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Not Detecting Answering Machine

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I just bought a Dialogic D/4PCIU because I wasnt able to detect answering machine, I have the same problem with the Dialogic card. Here`s my script. It always run the script OffreSiHumain.vgs but I it suppose to run OffreSiRepondeur.vgs













Could you help?

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I have had the same problem and I too upgraded my card to the same one that you have and it still has the same problem.

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Are you actually calling an analog telephone number with an answering machine attached to it or are you calling some professional service that has pre-recorded announcements?


When you dial the number yourself does the message sound like an answering machine message or could a person calling mistake it for a human?


The Dialogic card will indicate 'live human' answer if the answering machine's message message sounds so good that it's hard to distinguish it from a live person. Overall this happens rarely as most answering machines out there you can tell by listening to them that it's an answering machine that picked up the call.


Some of this is covered in this entry of the Help file: http://www.voiceguide.com/vghelp/html/Dete...tCallAnswer.htm

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