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Testing for a specific Caller ID

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I am trying to get the Caller ID and record it into the scrip log file. But I wasn’t successful so far.

Please find the sample scrip I built to get the caller ID attached to this email. Run it and let me know again where am I wrong to get the caller ID?


******* VGS start ***********



StartModule=Evaluate 1





[Evaluate 1]



Txt=Evaluate the Result Variable specified, and select the path which matches the current value of the Result Variable




On {4085075002} Goto [Play 2]

On {False} Goto [Play 3]



[Play 3]



Txt=Play a sound file, then await a response...

PlayFile1=fail to get IDNum.wav





[Play 2]



Txt=Play a sound file, then await a response...

PlayFile1=get IDNum.wav




******* VGS end***********




The attached script should work correctly if the received CallerID number is "4085075002".


If you are not seeing the script branch properly could you please go through the following checklist:


1. Confirm that CallerID is sent from you phone company. Best to call your telephone company and ask them if the CallerID service is enabled on the telephone line..


2. Confirm that your modem/telephony card is correctly reading the Caller ID information sent. Were you able to see the CallerID information coming from this device at all?

If the device reports CallerID it will always be saved in the Script's Log file. Does the Log file show the caller ID information?


3. If the CallerID information is showing up in the log file is it in the same format as you are specifying in the script, or are there dashes, spaces, brackets or any other punctuation in the returned Caller ID? In order to try and match on a CallerID number as you are specifying in the Evaluate module you will need to match the CallerID string exactly..


If you are still having problems could you please send us a copy of VoiceGuide's Debug Printout which captures the incoming call, this will allow us to see what is going wrong.


When running the script click on VoiceGuide's View menu and select 'Event Trace Log' option - any log information will then appear in this window. You must open the trace window before making the call.

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We are doing something very similar to this and I am unclear as to whether or not we must have CT Media installed to capture callerid with a D4/PCI or whether it will do it without CTMedia installed?

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No need to have CT Media installed.


Could you please send us a copy of VoiceGuide's Debug Printout which captures an incoming call, this will allow us to see what is going wrong.


(When running the script click on VoiceGuide's View menu and select 'Event Trace Log' option - any log information will then appear in this window. You must open the trace window before making the call.)

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