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Outdialer - Answering Machine Issue

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I am trying to call an answering machine and leave a message. I have an issue where a script starts before an answering machine message finishes. I can see in VoiceGuide that it is detecting an answering machine, then starts a script to play a message. The message that I play is half over when I listen to the voicemail. Any idea what might be causing this?


Note - I tried adjusting the AM_SilenceDetectLevel and the SilenceDetectLevel but this didn't affect the problem, and I returned them to the default values.


Thanks, Mike.

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Could you please post a copy of VoiceGuide's Debug Printout which captures the outgoing call, this will allow us to see what happened.


Enable logging by setting the log levels to 10 in VG.INI as per below:









Then make a test call which demonstrates the problem.


Debug Trace files will be created in VG's \log\ subdirectory.


Please post the traces and the VoiceGuide script used.


When posting traces/scripts please .ZIP them up and post them as attachments.


A recording of the answering machine message shouldbe saved in \data\ subdirectlry. Please post that as well.

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Trace shows VG dialed out at 5:55:55pm to 14195031988


175555.45 5 Dialing: 9,14195031988


and about 30 seconds later it detected that an answering machine answered the call:


175628.84 5 AddRVns [OutDial_Result]{Contacted_AM}


It the started recording what i hears on the line


175629.11 5 RecSoundStart file[C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\data\RecAm_5.wav] ok


and seven seconds later there was silence on the line:


175636.70 5 LsDialoutRecAnswerMachineWelcMsg EV_SILENCE_DETECTED


so VG assumed that the AM message finished and that it could start the script, which it did.


If you listen to the recorded RecAm_5.wavthen you see that the AM welcome message was about 6 seconds.


So the system behaves as expected.


What is probably happening here is that the answering machine does not start recording till a long time after it has stopped playing the welcome message... you should contact the person who owns that AM and ask them to fix that so that recording begins immediately after end of their announcement...

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