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Can't Return Result Variable In Email

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I've successfully queried a simple Filemaker test database using ODBC but I can seem to display the results of the query in an email message. I have a module called 'dbquery' which queries the database using ODBC and a very simple SQL statement:




Upon success of the ODBC query I get it to send a 'success' message via email, and in the email message I try to display the result using the variable $RV[dbquery_1_1], $RV[dbquery_2_1], $RV[dbquery_1_2], $RV[dbquery_2_2] etc etc. My database only has two text columns/fields. The email message I receive contains blank space where the variables should be. I know there's information in the database, and when I use the function $RV[dbquery_RowCount] in the very same email message it displays 6, the correct number of records in the database. When I narrow the SQL query search down to find just one record, the RowCount function correctly returns 1. I've also tried replacing the asterisk in the SQL statement with the names of the columns, with exactly the same result.


So the SQL query seems to work, but nothing is returned in the result variable. Am I missing something really simple here?

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Enable logging by setting the log levels to 10 in VG.INI as per below:









Then restart VG and make a test call which demonstrates the problem.


Debug Trace files will be created in VG's \log\ subdirectory.


Please post the traces and the VoiceGuide script used.


When posting traces/scripts please .ZIP them up and post them as attachments.

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Thanks for the speedy reply!


I did as you asked and I had the error 40035 type mismatch error, as seen in the following post:




I believe this is commonly seen in MySQL databases when querying columns in the VARCHAR format. It's possible that Filemaker uses something similar for fields of type 'text'.


I changed the type of Filemaker fields from 'text' to 'number' and now I can return the information in the email no problem. This obviously isn't an ideal solution though... The version of Voiceguide I'm using is is 5.2.5 - is there any bug reported for this?




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As a workaround for now you could try to use VBScript to retrieve info from the DB.


It would require you to save the returned information yourself using RvSet etc COM functions.


It looks like at this stage there is a problem retrieving info from VARCHAR or TEXT database fields from within the DBQuery module.

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