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Call Transfer Issue

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I need to implement call transfer..


Our office does not use a PBX, nor do we have the facility of 'extensions' by which by dialing the extension number an incoming call is transfered to the extension.


So I am guessing I will have to use the Dial and Conference Method to do call transfer.


I am using D/4 PCIUF card. I read somewhere that this card cannot be used to do call transfer. Is that true ?(if so then i am in big trouble since I already bought this card long back :(


Anyway, how does dial and conference work? I have 2 phone lines plugged into the card. I will call on one, then voice guide will use the other line to dial any number? Like I can simply specify a 10 digit cell phone number (xxx)-xxx-xxxx ?


Well when I use "Dialout and Conference Blind" I get the following message on the line which is supposed to make the outgoing call:


Dialing (xxx)-xxx-xxxx for conference with dxxxB1C4


But after that nothing happens, I do not receive any calls on the number i have specified.


How can I tell from the event trace log whether this is due to the card or is it something else...



Here is the log..




035554.63 4 event callstate OFFERING 4 2,0,0

035554.63 4 script interpretor: VgMulti v6.0.3157

035554.63 4 fired OFFERING event to listeners

035554.63 4 set LineState().hCall = 4 in LINECALLSTATE_OFFERING

035554.63 4 cid CallerID vars set (in 'offering' event) [,,]

035554.64 4 call AnswerTheCallIfAllowed from LINECALLSTATE_OFFERING

035554.64 4 rings=0, min rings before answer=0 (iCallerIdHasArrived=0)

035554.64 4 tw ring 1

035554.64 4 ring time since last ring event (sec): 0.00

035554.64 4 rings=1, min rings before answer=0 (iCallerIdHasArrived=0)

035554.64 4 should answer as number of rings reached

035554.64 4 rv clear all

035554.64 4 init LineState ResetAtStartOfNewCall.

035554.64 4 answering the call (,,,0)

035554.64 4 timer clear

035554.64 4 tw DialogicEvent 134,TDX_CST,0,0,0,DE_RINGS,ET_RON,

035554.64 4 event TDX_CST, iCode=134 state=6001

035554.64 4 LsModuleTransition : 134, [TDX_CST]

035555.28 4 tw DialogicEvent 135,TDX_SETHOOK,0,0,0,DX_OFFHOOK,CALL_INBOUND,

035555.28 4 event TDX_SETHOOK, iCode=135 state=6001

035555.28 4 LsModuleTransition : 135, [TDX_SETHOOK]

035555.28 4 event callstate CONNECTED 4 256,0,0

035555.28 4 LineEvCallState_Connected hDevice=4 params=256,0,0

035555.28 4 WorkingModes tapi= script= LineState().iState=6001

035556.28 4 Inband detection not enabled

035556.28 4 StartLoadedVgs at 10/10/2006 3:55:56 AM (VgMulti v6.0.3157)

035556.28 4 set LineState().iVgsIdx=3

035556.28 4 set sScriptToRunOnHangup=[] in StartLoadedVgs

035556.30 4 init StartLoadedVgs_InitLineState start

035556.30 4 rv add [$RV_STARTTIME]{10/10/2006 3:55:56 AM}

035556.30 4 rv add [$RV_DEVICEID]{4}

035556.30 4 rv add [$RV_CIDNAME]{}

035556.30 4 rvns add [PathApp]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\}

035556.30 4 rvns add [scriptsPath]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\version 7\}

035556.30 4 rv add [$RV_CIDNUMBER]{}

035556.30 4 fn RunModule start [Play,[Play 1],16,,]

035556.30 4 tw DialogicEvent 134,TDX_CST,25721,0,0,DE_LCON,,

035556.30 4 event TDX_CST, iCode=134 state=6001

035556.30 4 LsModuleTransition : 134, [TDX_CST]

035556.32 4 timer clear

035556.32 4 Play Module start

035556.32 4 state [Play 1] Playing

035556.32 4 tts deleted previous C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\data\tts_4_1.wav

035556.32 4 tts generate start[hello. transfering call..]

035556.32 4 tts generate wait

035556.35 4 tts generate finish

035556.35 4 state [Play 1] Playing (C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\data\tts_4_1.wav)

035556.35 4 tw ConvertWav2Vox C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\data\tts_4_1.wav

035556.36 4 tw wav->vox convert end 773687,C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\data\tts_4_1.vox,1,0,,

035556.38 4 play start ok, lPlayId=773718

035559.14 4 tw PlayEnd 4 773718

035559.16 4 play end id=773718, (current ID)

035559.16 4 event EV_PLAY_FINISHED, iCode=8001 state=1100


035559.16 4 path {EV_PLAY_FINISHED} not found

035559.16 4 timer set 10 EV_TIMEOUT_HANGUP

035559.16 4 timer set 0 EV_TIMEOUT_GOTOMODULE

035559.16 4 event EV_TIMEOUT_GOTOMODULE, iCode=9002 state=1101


035559.16 4 path {EV_TIMEOUT_GOTOMODULE} not found

035559.16 4 next module is [Transfer Call 33] (idx=17)

035559.16 4 fn RunModule start [Transfer Call,[Transfer Call 33],17,,]

035559.16 4 tw DialogicEvent 129,TDX_PLAY,773718,0,0,,,

035559.17 4 event TDX_PLAY, iCode=129 state=6001

035559.17 4 LsModuleTransition : 129, [TDX_PLAY]

035559.17 4 timer clear



035559.58 4 event EV_TIMEOUT_READYTOBEGINTRANSFER, iCode=9012 state=1901


035559.58 4 path {EV_TIMEOUT_READYTOBEGINTRANSFER} not found

035559.58 4 timeout on transfer attempt set by VG.INI [PBX] AnnouncedTransfersMaxWaitTime (30 sec)


035559.58 4 state [Transfer Call 33] Announced Dial and Connect to 13522262369

035559.58 dial search for free lines in LineID range [0-4]

035559.58 1 dial reserving: no list specified

035559.58 4 dial found free dev=1 (LineId=1) in XferDialAndConference

035559.58 4 no on-hold file specified to play

035559.60 1 state dialing 13522262369 (for conference with dxxxB1C4) iXferBridgeCallsWhen=0, sCallProgressOption=CONNECT_IMMEDIATELY (Immediately after dialing.)

035559.60 1 lineMakeCall(13522262369,CONNECT_IMMEDIATELY) (in XferDialAndConference) => 0

035559.60 1 call progress option selected: Immediately after dialing.

035559.60 4 announced DC transfer (33)

035600.14 1 tw DialogicEvent 135,TDX_SETHOOK,0,0,0,DX_OFFHOOK,CALL_OUTBOUND,

035600.14 1 event TDX_SETHOOK, iCode=135 state=1922

035600.14 1 LsXfer_6_dc_WaitOutcomeOutgoingCall_OutLeg : 135,[TDX_SETHOOK],0,0,0,DX_OFFHOOK,CALL_OUTBOUND,

035600.14 4 LsXfer_6_dc_WaitOutcomeOutgoingCall_InLeg : [TDX_SETHOOK], 135(EV_UNKNOWN_135),0,0,0,DX_OFFHOOK,CALL_OUTBOUND,

035600.14 4 xferType=33 otherLeg=1

035600.14 4 path {tdx_sethook} not found

035600.14 1 tw DialogicEvent 135,RLS_LCSENSE,0,0,0,DX_OFFHOOK,CALL_OUTBOUND,

035600.16 1 event RLS_LCSENSE, iCode=135 state=1922

035600.16 1 LsXfer_6_dc_WaitOutcomeOutgoingCall_OutLeg : 135,[RLS_LCSENSE],0,0,0,DX_OFFHOOK,CALL_OUTBOUND,

035600.16 4 LsXfer_6_dc_WaitOutcomeOutgoingCall_InLeg : [RLS_LCSENSE], 135(EV_UNKNOWN_135),0,0,0,DX_OFFHOOK,CALL_OUTBOUND,

035600.16 4 xferType=33 otherLeg=1

035600.16 4 path {rls_lcsense} not found

035622.03 4 tw DialogicEvent 134,TDX_CST,192,0,0,DE_TONEON,DISCONNECT_TAPI1,

035622.03 4 event DISCONNECT_TAPI1, iCode=134 state=1921

035622.03 4 LsXfer_6_dc_WaitOutcomeOutgoingCall_InLeg : [DISCONNECT_TAPI1], 134(EV_UNKNOWN_134),192,0,0,DE_TONEON,DISCONNECT_TAPI1,

035622.03 4 xferType=33 otherLeg=1

035622.03 4 outLeg line did not complete connection

035622.05 4 TsReset as DC not successful 100

035622.05 4 TsReset call from LsXfer_6_dc_WaitOutcomeOutgoingCall_InLeg

035622.05 4 path {disconnect_tapi1} not found

035622.05 4 next module is [Play 35] (idx=19)

035622.05 4 going down fail path

035622.05 4 fn RunModule start [Play,[Play 35],19,,]

035622.05 4 timer clear

035622.05 4 Play Module start

035622.05 4 state [Play 35] Playing

035622.07 4 state [Play 35] Playing (fail)

035622.07 4 File not found [fail], DirSysVoice=[C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\system\voice\] (vox tried as well)

035622.07 4 tw ConvertWav2Vox C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\system\voice\SoundFileNotFound.wav

035622.07 4 event TDX_CST, iCode=134 state=1100

035622.07 4 LsPlayMsg EV_UNKNOWN_134,TDX_CST

035622.07 4 path {TDX_CST} not found

035622.07 4 tw wav->vox convert end 799406,C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\system\voice\SoundFileNotFound.vox,1,0,,

035622.08 4 play start ok, lPlayId=799406

035625.27 4 tw PlayEnd 4 799406

035625.27 4 play end id=799406, (current ID)

035625.27 4 event EV_PLAY_FINISHED, iCode=8001 state=1100


035625.27 4 path {EV_PLAY_FINISHED} not found

035625.27 4 timer set 5 EV_TIMEOUT_REPLAYMSG

035625.27 4 tw DialogicEvent 129,TDX_PLAY,799406,0,0,,,

035625.27 4 event TDX_PLAY, iCode=129 state=1101

035625.27 4 LsPlayMsgFinished EV_UNKNOWN_129,TDX_PLAY

035625.27 4 path {TDX_PLAY} not found

035630.67 4 timer fired EV_TIMEOUT_REPLAYMSG

035630.67 4 event EV_TIMEOUT_REPLAYMSG, iCode=9005 state=1101


035630.67 4 path {EV_TIMEOUT_REPLAYMSG} not found

035630.67 4 state [Play 35] Playing (fail)

035630.67 4 File not found [fail], DirSysVoice=[C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\system\voice\] (vox tried as well)

035630.67 4 tw ConvertWav2Vox C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\system\voice\SoundFileNotFound.wav

035630.69 4 tw wav->vox convert end 808015,C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\system\voice\SoundFileNotFound.vox,1,0,,

035630.71 4 play start ok, lPlayId=808046

035633.89 4 tw PlayEnd 4 808046

035633.89 4 play end id=808046, (current ID)

035633.89 4 event EV_PLAY_FINISHED, iCode=8001 state=1100


035633.89 4 path {EV_PLAY_FINISHED} not found

035633.89 4 timer set 5 EV_TIMEOUT_REPLAYMSG

035633.89 4 tw DialogicEvent 129,TDX_PLAY,808046,0,0,,,

035633.89 4 event TDX_PLAY, iCode=129 state=1101

035633.91 4 LsPlayMsgFinished EV_UNKNOWN_129,TDX_PLAY

035633.91 4 path {TDX_PLAY} not found

035639.32 4 timer fired EV_TIMEOUT_REPLAYMSG

035639.32 4 event EV_TIMEOUT_REPLAYMSG, iCode=9005 state=1101


035639.32 4 path {EV_TIMEOUT_REPLAYMSG} not found

035639.32 4 state [Play 35] Playing (fail)

035639.32 4 File not found [fail], DirSysVoice=[C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\system\voice\] (vox tried as well)

035639.32 4 tw ConvertWav2Vox C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\system\voice\SoundFileNotFound.wav

035639.33 4 tw wav->vox convert end 816656,C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\system\voice\SoundFileNotFound.vox,1,0,,

035639.35 4 play start ok, lPlayId=816671

035642.52 4 tw PlayEnd 4 816671

035642.52 4 play end id=816671, (current ID)

035642.52 4 event EV_PLAY_FINISHED, iCode=8001 state=1100


035642.53 4 path {EV_PLAY_FINISHED} not found

035642.53 4 timer set 10 EV_TIMEOUT_HANGUP

035642.53 4 HangupCall start (no paths leaving play module [Play 35])

035642.53 4 rv add [Hangup Time]{10/10/2006 3:56:42 AM}

035642.53 4 state Hanging up call... [no paths leaving play module [Play 35]]

035642.53 4 HangupCall_Common hCall=4

035642.53 4 rec RecSoundStop ok

035642.53 4 play PlayStop ok


035642.55 4 fnHangupCall end

035642.55 4 tw DialogicEvent 129,TDX_PLAY,816671,0,0,,,

035642.55 4 event TDX_PLAY, iCode=129 state=900

035642.55 4 LsAwaitingCalls EV_UNKNOWN_129

035642.58 4 tw DialogicEvent 135,TDX_SETHOOK,0,0,0,DX_ONHOOK,,

035642.58 4 event TDX_SETHOOK, iCode=135 state=900

035642.58 4 LsAwaitingCalls EV_UNKNOWN_135

035642.60 4 event callstate IDLE 4 1,0,0

035642.60 4 WorkingMode@Idle=

035642.60 4 set LineState().hCall = 0 LineEvCallState-LINECALLSTATE_IDLE

035642.60 4 timer clear

035642.60 4 rec RecSoundStop ok

035642.60 4 play PlayStop ok

035642.60 4 rv add [CallEndTime]{10/10/2006 3:56:42 AM}

035642.60 4 timer set 1 EV_TIMEOUT_TIMETOREINITLINE

035643.58 4 timer fired EV_TIMEOUT_TIMETOREINITLINE

035643.58 4 event EV_TIMEOUT_TIMETOREINITLINE, iCode=9008 state=900

035643.58 4 init atidle reinit : start

035643.58 4 init atidle reinit iConferenceOtherLegLid=-1

035643.58 4 init atidle reinit : reset all LineState variables

035643.58 4 timer set 2 EV_TIMEOUT_AFTERIDLE_ALLOWOUT

035643.58 4 state Waiting for a call...

035645.77 4 timer fired EV_TIMEOUT_AFTERIDLE_ALLOWOUT

035645.77 4 event EV_TIMEOUT_AFTERIDLE_ALLOWOUT, iCode=9013 state=900

035645.77 4 setting iDialoutReadyToDialout=1






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I am using D/4 PCIUF card. I read somewhere that this card cannot be used to do call transfer. Is that true ?

Yes. Only cards which have "SC-Bus" or "CT-Bus" can do Dial And Conference.


"Dial and Conference" can only be done with these Dialogic cards: D/41EPCI, D/41ESC, D/41JCTLS, D/120JCTLS, D/160SC-LS and all digital cards (D/240, D/300 etc), and all 'DMV' cards (DMV160, DMV600, DMV1200 etc).


Anyway, how does dial and conference work? I have 2 phone lines plugged into the card. I will call on one, then voice guide will use the other line to dial any number? Like I can simply specify a 10 digit cell phone number (xxx)-xxx-xxxx ?

Yes. Any number can be dialed on the other line. It's just a new call...


When posting traces/scripts please .ZIP them up and post them as attachments.

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From the cards that you mentioned, which one should I buy ? can you provide some help regarding this ?


I was using the D4/PCIUF card. It was working perfect until i came to the part where i had to implement call transfer. (I am going to use the dial and conference method)



Dialogic cards: D/41EPCI, D/41ESC, D/41JCTLS, D/120JCTLS, D/160SC-LS <---- will any of these cards work just as good as the D4/PCIUF card did + will support the call transfer module ?



thanks in advance

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All analog Dialogic cards support "Hookflash" type transfers.


Only some analog Dialogic cards support "Dial and Conference" type transfers.


Only cards which have "SC-Bus" or "CT-Bus" can do Dial And Conference.

"Dial and Conference" can only be done with these Dialogic cards: D/41EPCI, D/41ESC, D/41JCTLS, D/120JCTLS, D/160SC-LS and all digital cards (D/240, D/300 etc), and all 'DMV' cards (DMV160, DMV600, DMV1200 etc).



The cheapest card that supports "Dial and Conference" type transfers is the D/41JCTLS.

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Frequency34: Your telephone line supplier can sometimes supply a "conferancing line" to you. This allows you to make two calls on one line at a time, using 'flash-hooks' to switch between calls which are handled at your exchange. Using this facility, your current dialogic card could (in theory) confereance the call out to a mobile or other number, without attempting to connect two lines.


You might want to investigate this a little, before splashing out out on a new card. Contact your telephone company and ask about this facility. Warning, each telephone company have different names for this facility! In the UK its called 3-way calling. Your line will be tied up for the duration of the call and you bear the cost of the call. (but you do this anyway with 2 line connection). This can be enabled on your line for a few dollars a month subscription. Major issues with using this service is hangup detection, possible volume attentuation and getting the correct flash-hook sequence, and no-answer/busy detection, but it could be a solution.

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