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Vb Script Questions

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Jacobo Husnin wrote:


Dear Sers

We are corently evalutin you IVR program it is realy wonderfoul , is one of the most easy and powerfoul programas I ever see , one of the features we tink is very iportant for us is the VBscrip , I have a question in the scipt of he Internet Portal,



Dim Shell, IE, readWwwHtml, readWwwText

Dim iIndexDow, iIndexNasdaq, iIndexSP500


Set Shell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")

Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")


With IE

.RegisterAsDropTarget = False

.Visible = False

.Silent = True


While .Busy

WScript.Sleep 100



With .Document.Body

readWwwHtml = .InnerHTML

readWwwText = .InnerText

End With

End With


Set IE = Nothing


iIndexDow = GetIntegerAfterLabel("Dow")

iIndexNasdaq = GetIntegerAfterLabel("Nasdaq")

iIndexSP500 = GetIntegerAfterLabel("S&P 500")


strResultVariables= "[MarketDow]{" & iIndexDow & "}" & _

"[MarketNasdaq]{" & iIndexNasdaq & "}" & _

"[MarketSP500]{" & iIndexSP500 & "}"


iRet = WriteResultFile(strResultVariables)


function GetIntegerAfterLabel(strLabel)

'it is assumed that the integer terminates

'with a decimal point

iLblPos1= Instr(readWwwText, strLabel)

iValuePos1 = iLblPos1 + len(strLabel)

iValuePos2 = Instr(iValuePos1, readWwwText, ".")

GetIntegerAfterLabel = mid(readWwwText, iValuePos1, iValuePos2-iValuePos1)

end function


function WriteResultFile(strResult)

const ForReading=1, ForWriting=2, ForAppending=8

Dim filename, fso, ts, outdata, outdata2, outdata3



set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

set ts = fso.OpenTextFile(filename, ForWriting, True)



WriteResultFile = 0

end function


What mean ?

.RegisterAsDropTarget = False

.Visible = False

.Silent = True


1)is the . a sub rutine idication or what ?

2)what mean RegisterAsDropTarget , Visible , Navigate this are not Vbscript orders or are they ? where I can see more ifo for this orders,

Tank you


Jacobo Husni A.

Telesoluciones s.a.


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I'd recommend getting a book on VB Script, and/or going to:




and selecting "VB Script Documentation" section:


Users Guide: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/sc...ml/vbstutor.asp

Reference: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/sc...vbscripttoc.asp


VBScript is not hard to learn and lets you do just about anything - v5.0 of VoiceGuide uses extensive VB Scripting in it's Voicemail system - you may want to look at it for some examples as well.

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