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Cannot Play Dtmf Tones And Cannot Conference Calls

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I am evaluating VoiceGuide for Dialogic 6.0.3243 with a Dialogic DMV160LP card and SR5.1.1 FP1 service uptade 123. I use analogic phone lines from Sprint Canada.


I can dial out with a OutDial_New.xml file. I can play Wave sound files. I can receive DMTF tones and play them back (say them in words). But I cannot play any DTMF tones with the play module and I cannot do a call conference.


Can you give me an advice to solve this problem.


ALso, Can I change the flash time by adding in the config.xml file :


- <SetParm>

<Description>Flash time during dialing (10ms units)</Description>








Thank you.



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But I cannot play any DTMF tones with the play module and I cannot do a call conference.

Could you please post a copy of VoiceGuide's Trace Logs which capture the problems, this will allow us to see what happened.


Enable logging by setting the log levels to 10 in VG.INI as per below:








Then restart VG and make a test call which demonstrates the problem.


Trace files will be created in VG's \log\ subdirectory.


Please post the traces and the VoiceGuide script used.


When posting traces/scripts please .ZIP them up and post them as attachments.


Can I change the flash time by adding in the config.xml file :


- <SetParm>

<Description>Flash time during dialing (10ms units)</Description>





Yes. The DXBD_FLASHTM entry should already be in the Config.xml file. A value of 20 is equivalent to 200ms.

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Here are my logs and my config.xml file. You will see in the config file that there are no parameters at all. Should I add all the parameters that are present in the -Sample Config for 4 ports using analog card.xml- file ?






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Should I add all the parameters that are present in the -Sample Config for 4 ports using analog card.xml- file ?
Yes. The Sample config files just show you how to set the line configurations - they do not include the parameter settings - these must be retained as specified in original Config.xml.


There seems to be some other problems with this system though. Can we have a look a this machine via PCAnywhere or WinVNC? If this is possible then please forward login details to support@voiceguide.com referencing this thread.

090146.562 dlgc Dialogic boards present: dti:0, dxxx:0

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I have PCAnywhere 10.5, cable Internet and a router, but I am not familiar with that. Can you be more specific ? If I create a user that will acces my computer from Internet, could you reach it behind my router ? would I have to open a port in my router's configuration ?





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I can see in the script that you are attempting to do a 3-way call conference, and you mention that you are able to achieve this on your lines (Sprint Canada) using:




Is the original caller put on hold when the first hookflash is issued?


Is the destination number being dialed?


Does this Sprint Canada service allow you to do a 'Blind' completion or do need to wait until 3rd person picks up their phone before doing the second hookflash? (in which can you'd need to use the Monitored or Announced options)



An alternative may be for you to do a "Dial and Conference" type transfer. Have you looked at that option?


Also please provide a trace of the attempt to play DTMF tones.


We had a look on your system and note that you currently have SR5.1.1FP1 drivers installed - could you please try using SR6.0 drivers (see our Recommended Hardware page for links) and provide the traces when SR6.0 drivers are used. Using the currently installed drivers it looks like the DMV160 card which you are using is not correctly reporting number of it's dxxx/dti devices which in turn is affecting the card's serial number reporting.

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