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Vg Integration

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Is it possible to communicate with VG at a programatic level, eg through an API, COM interface etc?


We have a call centre application that integrates tightly with the IVR system and we need to be able to;


hold calls on IVR ports

tell VG to play a specific message to a held call.

ability to retrieve calls when required


is this possible?




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Current 6.x version of VoiceGuide for Dialogic (and v5.x of VG for TAPI as well) supports the COM interface.


The interface is detailed in the Help file, along with examples. Further examples of extensive COM interface usage can be found in the Voicemail scripts (see VG's \system\vm\ subdirectory).


The holding and retrieving of calls is usually controlled from the PBX side. The IVR would just answer any incoming calls and run the specified script. The script can for example just play some on-hold music in a loop and COM functions can be issued during the running of the script to play any sound file desired.


Here is the online copy of the Help file entry which shows how to use the COM interface to tell VG to play a particular sound file:




Application calling the COM function must know the 'Line ID' in which the sound file must be played - this can be communicated to calling application from within VG at call answer time, or established by looping thought the log file (LineID's for particular physical channels do not change between calls/restarts).


Alternatively it's possible to set the 'Line ID' parameter to be the physical port ID instead - so "1" is the first physical port, "2" is the second physical port etc. – this is usually easier to work with.

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