Guest hogi Report post Posted 02/09/2007 04:09 AM OS: Server 2003 R2 Card: Dialogic 4PCIUF VG version: 6.0.3243 (demo) Let me start to say that I am pretty clueless about phone stuff but I am pretty good with general IT and programming. I just installed VG and the Dialogic card and I can make outgoing calls using the numberloader I have also created some basic scripts and I am now ready for the next level after "Hello World"... I am trying to get VG to read the que from a MS SQLServer 2K using ODBC (The database is located on another server and I created a System DSN for my VG-scripts) but the CallQue part doesn't seem to work. I tried to follow some previous posts how to configure the outque and VG.ini etc but I am sure I missed something. I added the following: in the [VGDialer] section I added the following after "FindCall_MSAccess_Sql..." ( the next line): DbConnectString_ADO=Provider=SQLOLEDB;Server=AHCVSERVER;UID=user;PWD=pass;Databa e=AHCV_IVR I have created a table called CallQue with this script: CREATE TABLE AHCV_IVR.dbo.CallQue ( ID numeric(18, 0) NOT NULL IDENTITY (1, 1), PhoneNumber varchar(20) NULL, ActivateTime datetime NULL, DayTimeStart datetime NULL, DayTimeStop datetime NULL, DaysCallAllowed text NULL, LineSelection text NULL, Priority numeric(18, 0) NULL, AnnounceMessage text NULL, Script text NULL, OnAnswerMachine text NULL, RV text NULL, AnswerTimeout numeric(18, 0) NULL, CallRetriesLeft numeric(18, 0) NULL, DelayBetweenRetries numeric(18, 0) NULL, OnNotConnected text NULL, EscalationCalls text NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] TEXTIMAGE_ON [PRIMARY] I added the following default values: ('MoTuWeThFrSaSu') FOR DaysCallAllowed, (3) FOR Priority, ('NONE') FOR AnnounceMessage, ('none') FOR RV, (60) FOR AnswerTimeout, (2) FOR CallRetriesLeft, (20) FOR DelayBetweenRetries, ('none') FOR EscalationCalls I have one phonenumber sitting in this table waiting to be "dialed" and then I start VG but nothing happens... I couldn't find instructions how to configure the xml config files Do you have a manual where I can lookup what all the entries mean? <Channel> <Name>dxxxB1C1</Name> <NetworkIf>dxxxB1C1</NetworkIf> <Protocol>pdk_na_an_io</Protocol> <RingsBeforeAnswer>4</RingsBeforeAnswer> <script>C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\NextDayAppointments.vgs</Script> <ConfigLine></ConfigLine> <AllowDialOut>1</AllowDialOut> <PopupCallerId>0</PopupCallerId> <RV></RV> </Channel> I am only using one channel (for now), can I delete the other 3 channels from the config.xml? So far I am really excited about VG and I can't wait until I have the foundation properly setup so I can start hacking away... Thanks and best regards, HOGI See attached log files 0208vgm.txt Share this post Link to post
SupportTeam Report post Posted 02/09/2007 04:45 AM If you are just starting the I'd probably recommend you leave the OutDialQue migration till later - it's one of the most complex system modifications you can do. Also, migrating to SQL Server should really only made in cases where you would expect the system to have at times more then 100,000 outbound calls queued to be dialed... The traces show that the database is not responding to the issued SQL command. You can see in vgm trace entries beginning with: 225230.62 1 dial ado connection active. and eventually we get a timeout: 225239.60 1 dial timerADOFetchComplete fired. ADO SQL query timed out. The SQL command is quoted in the trace, so to debug this you should issue that SQL command from another sourcethat lets you better trace the databases response (MSQuery?) to see what is happening on this system. Maybe there are some traces on SQLServer side that would help here (?). Another customer has a similar problem here: that was traced to a bad SQL statement (that customer was using MySQL in that case). Share this post Link to post
ahcv Report post Posted 02/09/2007 12:48 PM I figured it out, I started a trace on the SqlServer to track the SQL transaction and I got an object errror. The "Option" field was missing from the table, I guess the CallQue table format has changed from previous versions and the db format is different between the dialogic version and the voice modem version. I also had some data type issues but after changing the db schema, VG is now polling the external db. How do I configure how often VG will poll the db? /HOGI Share this post Link to post
SupportTeam Report post Posted 02/09/2007 09:19 PM the db format is different between the dialogic version and the voice modem version.Yes, it is a bit different. How do I configure how often VG will poll the db?This is not settable at this stage. Share this post Link to post