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Call Transfers On E1 Lines

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Alberto wrote:


We have worked with your product in other installations but always using analogic lines. We have a new project and we want again to use voiceguide, but I have some question about integration: the customer has a ‘special’ (no popular) PBX (etrali, part of Orange). We are looking for the way to integrate with voiceguide so we can attend inbound calls and make a transfer (releasing line after transfer, of course). The PBX support some standards protocols: they are encouraged to use QSIG to signal communication between both side, is it possible to do this? Otherwise, the PBX support CAS as well, and I have seen in your web page voiceguide is able to support this protocol as well. The guy managing PBX is asking me about to participate as master or slave in this CAS conversation, what is the answer? Is it possible to use this kind of integration?


Could you help me in find out best way to integrate keeping in mind we just need to answer a call, take some dtmfs and transfer the call?


On the other hand, if we use a E1 Dialogic card, is it needed to buy 30 licenses for voiceguide? (I suppose you can buy just only what you need, right?)


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It is usually hard to achieve on T1/E1 lines proper transfer and release the line immediately after transfer.


Such transfers are usually done by issuing a command to PBX via CTI interface, for the PBX to deflect a call off the E1 channel and to another extension. Does this PBX have CTI interface?


QSIG was designed to do transfers using the E1's signaling layer, but in practice the variances between the various QSIG implementations on various platforms make this a very involved project when products from two different vendors need to communicate.


CAS is not as good as ISDN, but if the PBX can detect the 'hookflsh' equivalent over CAS then maybe you can do proper call transfers. You'd pretty much need to setup a test to see what works with your PBX.


Many sites end up using tromboned (Dial and Conference) transfers which use up the 2 ports for length of the call.


It is not necessary to get a 30 line license, but some PBXs will consider E1 not open until all channels on E1 are open. You would again need to just test it and see. Just open few channels with Evaluation version and see if it works.

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The PBX support TAPI integration for CTI, is there any module in voiceguide to make cti transfer? It would be nice.

About integration pbx-ivr, if we use ISDN, is voiceguide the master or slave(i suposse slave)? Is possible to configure this in the Dialogic Card, outside of voiceguide configuration? What dialogic card is recommended to isdn configurations?



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There is a CTI module for VoiceGuide which will work with TAPI. Please contact sales@voiceguide.com for pricing information.


if we use ISDN, is voiceguide the master or slave(i suposse slave)?

It can be set as either. Usually the Dialogic card is set as 'slave' (User).


Is possible to configure this in the Dialogic Card, outside of voiceguide configuration?

Yes. The master/slave (network/user) is set in the Dialogic configuration. Default setting is 'slave' (User).


What dialogic card is recommended to isdn configurations?

For a single E1 you should use a D/300JCT card.


(for two E1s use D/600JCT or DMV600B, and for 4 E1's use DMV1200 cards)

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In case we use isdn integration to pbx, but without cti via tapi integration, is voiceguide (or dialogic) able to make blind transfer and release line after as feature?

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In case we use isdn integration to pbx, but without cti via tapi integration, is voiceguide (or dialogic) able to make blind transfer and release line after as feature?

VoiceGuide can send special signaling to try to achieve transfer and release when QSIG ISDN is used, bit this is not enabled in the Evaluation version at this stage. You would need to contact sales@voiceguide.com to obtain pricing on supply of version which has these special QSIG signaling features enabled.


Do you have any documentation from your PBX which details what QSIG features are supported by it what what codes it uses to implement those features?

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