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Can Not Hear Played Sound!

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I am using DMV480A-1T1 cards with ISDN T1 connected to the card directly. The VG version is 6.0.

I only config four channels and looks like the phone answering part is working fine. When I call, it picks up the call and shows "[GetClientID]..playing[GetID.wav]" something like this. But on caller phone side, I can not hear anything.

So, I did a short rtf trace, it shows as follow:

#Timestamp #PID #TID #Module #Client #Label #Message

09/27/2007 18:42:28.381 1972 0 [Control message from process 3924]:Resumeed tracing

09/27/2007 18:42:28.693 1972 0 [Control message from process 3924]:Client detached

09/27/2007 18:42:33.788 5684 4944 spwrvoice ERR1 dxcfg ----- dx_clrtpt(tptp 1cda8c, size 19): nexttp = NULL! size parameter indicates there are more tpt elements to clear, but nexttp ptr is NULL.

09/27/2007 18:42:33.788 5684 4944 spwrvoice ERR1 dxcfg ----- dx_clrtpt(tptp 1cdbcc, size 19): nexttp = NULL! size parameter indicates there are more tpt elements to clear, but nexttp ptr is NULL.

09/27/2007 18:42:43.804 1972 0 [Control message from process 2032]:Client attached

09/27/2007 18:42:43.898 1972 0 [Control message from process 2032]:Pauseed tracing

One thing I suspect is, DMV480A is a DM3 board, not springware board, why it says "spwrvoice".

And also, someone from internet says, for this board, the first 4 vox devices are only for ton, can not be routed to DTI device, is this true?

These four channels I configed for VG are clear channels. The are a part of our only one NFAS in our whole system.

Any comments are appreciated!



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Have you changed VoiceGuide's Config.xml file to open the Digital lines instead if the analog lines that the default Config.xml opens?


Best to open all the channels o the T1 - otherwise you are relying on the remote switch to send call on the 'first' four channels only.


Use the sample T1 ISDN Config.xml file supplied and please post the traces from VoiceGuide:



Enable logging by setting the log levels to 10 in VG.INI as per below:






Then restart VG and make a test call which demonstrates the problem.


Trace files will be created in VG's \log\ subdirectory.


Please post the traces.


When posting traces/scripts please .ZIP them up and post them as attachments.


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Here you go.

I enabled the log, start the VG, and made a test call, and then stopped the VG. The log files and config file are in the attachment.

For dialogic card, I am using ml10_dsa_5ess.fcd file which should have 48 voice resource. I don't need fax at all.



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Traces show that you appear to have five DMV480A cards in this system (?). How many T1's will ultimately be plugged into this server?


Which version of Dialogic's System Release drivers are used on this system?


Traces show that the Dialogic drivers report the initialization completed ok and when the call arrives the call is answered and the dialogic drivers report that the playing of sound file was made without any problems (trace extract below).


The Config.xml does however specify an unusual combination of Dialogic resources to be used: matching up dxxxB4C1 with dtiB1T1 and so on.


Please just use the standard T1 ISDN sample Config.xml which is supplied with VoiceGuide install (which matches up the Dialogic resources sequentially), and post traces when that standard Config.xml is used (if problem still occurs).


Have you tried using VoiceGuide v7? V6 and v7 can be installed side-by-side (they need to be installed in different directories though).


And also, someone from internet says, for this board, the first 4 vox devices are only for ton, can not be routed to DTI device, is this true?

Dont believe that's correct. Do you have a link to page/post where this assertion is made?


Here is the relevant part of the trace:

110127.993 004 ocxfn PlayStart(hLine=4, strSoundFile=[C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Credit Card Payment\PayGetId.wav], lPlayId=200437(0x30ef5), lParam1=0, lParam2=0, strParam1=, strParam2=, keys[NotUsed])


110128.024 004 dlgc play(5, 0xbc27638, 0x0, 0x1cdd14, EV_ASYNC) call

110128.024 004 dlgc play(5, 0xbc27638, 0x0, 0x1cdd14) => 0, hli=0x1ca828

110128.024 004 eng gc_GetMetaEventEx returned. lEvtHandle=0, iDev=4, lEvtType=2063, pEvtData=0xbc848a0, lEvtDataLen=20

110128.024 004 ev metaevent: cclibid=0x6, crn=0x0, evtdatap=0xbc848a0, evtdev=0x4, evtlen=0x14, evttype=0x80f, extevtdatap=0x0, flags=0x1, linedev=0x4, magicno=0xbad012fb, rfu1=0x2, usrattr=0x1ca828 (usrattr=hli)

110128.024 004 ev GCEV_ATTACH

110128.024 004 ResultInfo gcValue=1280(0x500) gcMsg=[Normal completion] ccLibId=6 ccLibName=[GC_DM3CC_LIB] ccValue=[0x0|GCRV_NORMAL|normal completion ] ccMsg=[No Error] additionalinfo=

110136.634 005 eng gc_GetMetaEventEx returned. lEvtHandle=0, iDev=5, lEvtType=129, pEvtData=0x54631b0, lEvtDataLen=0

110136.634 005 ev TDX_PLAY (Play Completed)




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Finally, I got a chance back to work on this server again.

Sorry, I did not reply this in time. Here it goes. I use the default 24 lines for isdn config file, and made two calls to it. I have attached the log file in this post.

One thing I noticed is that, looks like that machine does not have sound card. I find the wav file, double click it, media player says there is a problem with the sound device or there is no sound device. Does it have anything to do with sound device?

I am using Dialogc SR 6.1, Build 166. VG v6.0.3335.

I did not install VG7 since I don't have .net 2.0 installed on that machine.

Also, this time, in config.xml file, the default is 24 channels. It shows up as "State Display Disabled". Is this normal or I missed something? If I only config 4, it showed the status correctly.


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One thing I noticed is that, looks like that machine does not have sound card. I find the wav file, double click it, media player says there is a problem with the sound device or there is no sound device. Does it have anything to do with sound device?

That would not affect the playing back of sound files over the Dialogic card.


It shows up as "State Display Disabled". Is this normal or I missed something? If I only config 4, it showed the status correctly.

The Line Status Monitor application needs to be used to monitor the line status on systems which use more then 8 lines.


Traces show that the Dialogic card reported that it has started playing the sound files, and then reported the completion of playing of sound files as expected.

Not sure why you would not hear the sound files being played. \


Most likely the system connecting to this card does not establish a voice path.


What is the ISDN protocol used and to what carrier/PBX is this Dialogic card connected to?


Is this system part of a NFAS type setup?




155903.577 004 play start (hli=0x1ca010, strSoundFile=C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Credit Card Payment\PayGetId.wav, lPlayId=-444890(0xfff93626), lParam1=0, lParam2=0, strParam1=, strParam2=)

155903.608 fread 66901 pcm16 bytes


155903.608 004 dlgc play(5, 0xbc27538, 0x0, 0x1cd4fc) => 0, hli=0x1ca010

155903.608 004 eng gc_GetMetaEventEx returned. lEvtHandle=0, iDev=4, lEvtType=2063, pEvtData=0xbd1a040, lEvtDataLen=20

155903.608 004 ev metaevent: cclibid=0x6, crn=0x0, evtdatap=0xbd1a040, evtdev=0x4, evtlen=0x14, evttype=0x80f, extevtdatap=0x0, flags=0x1, linedev=0x4, magicno=0xbad012fb, rfu1=0x2, usrattr=0x1ca010 (usrattr=hli)

155903.608 004 ev GCEV_ATTACH

155903.608 004 ResultInfo gcValue=1280(0x500) gcMsg=[Normal completion] ccLibId=6 ccLibName=[GC_DM3CC_LIB] ccValue=[0x0|GCRV_NORMAL|normal completion ] ccMsg=[No Error] additionalinfo=

155912.203 005 eng gc_GetMetaEventEx returned. lEvtHandle=0, iDev=5, lEvtType=129, pEvtData=0x552da30, lEvtDataLen=0

155912.203 005 ev TDX_PLAY (Play Completed)




155926.548 004 play start (hli=0x1ca010, strSoundFile=C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Credit Card Payment\PayGetId.wav, lPlayId=-421921(0xfff98fdf), lParam1=0, lParam2=0, strParam1=, strParam2=)

155926.563 pcm sample_bytes=2, data_size=133800 _

155926.563 pcm data_size_div2=66900, ptrVoiceData_Current=0xbd272f0

155926.579 fread 66901 pcm16 bytes


155926.594 004 ev GCEV_ATTACH

155926.594 004 ResultInfo gcValue=1280(0x500) gcMsg=[Normal completion] ccLibId=6 ccLibName=[GC_DM3CC_LIB] ccValue=[0x0|GCRV_NORMAL|normal completion ] ccMsg=[No Error] additionalinfo=

155935.154 005 eng gc_GetMetaEventEx returned. lEvtHandle=0, iDev=5, lEvtType=129, pEvtData=0x552da30, lEvtDataLen=0

155935.154 005 ev TDX_PLAY (Play Completed)

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It is using 5ESS ISDN. I configged the card based on ml10_dsa_5ess.config. I am using ml10 because I want to use both voice resource and conference resource.

The carrier is Verizon. They provid us T1s directly to this server.

How can I tell if there is a voice path connection between the system and the card?

You mean the system, is the server or Verizon's switch? When they active the circut for those T1s, they just make sure the phone number was pointing to those T1, and the call can hit our server.

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The signaling looks fine - the incoming call is answered with no problems and the Dialogic card reports playing the sound file on that channel with no problems.


I think you should contact Verizon and tell them that caller cannot hear anything that is played on calls over that T1 (and system cannot hear any DTMFs). Quite possibly there is some configuration issue on their side.


Is this T1 part of some NFAS type setup? Voice path routing configuration issues like these are fairly common when trying to setup NFAS type systems.

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yes, this T1 is in a NFAS group.

Here is our configuration.

Borad.Trunk D-Channel

1.1 Primary D-Channel

1.2 Clear Channel

2.1 Clear Channel

2.2 Clear Channel

3.1 Backup D-Channel

3.2 Clear Channel

4.1 Clear Channel

4.2 Clear Channel

5.1 Clear Channel

5.2 Clear Channel

5 Board and 10 T1s, 1 NFAS group.

I got the reply from Verizon people and they said "All Signaling is done via the D channel. DTMF is for voice not ISDN." The first half I think it is right, but the second half, shouldn't those T1s go to a voice circuit? From what they said, sounds like DTMF and ISDN could not be together... I feel like in a black hole... :ph34r:

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You will need to speak to Verizon and advise them that the caller and the IVR cannot hear each other.


The VoiceGuide traces show that the signaling received from Verizon indicated that the call arrived on the first channel, and that is the channel on which VoiceGuide was playing the sound file.


You should also modify the Config.xml file to make sure that it does not open the 24th channel on the T1's on which the D channel is enabled. The 24th channel is used by the D-channel. Traces show that the 24the channel is being opened as well and this may affect the D-channel communications.


After you modify Config.xml to only open the first 23 channels you should try placing calls again and if voice path connection problem exists then you will need to speak to Verizon and ask them to do a trace on their system to confirm that their switch is in fact connecting the inbound caller to the same channel on the same trunk as signaled by the ISDN messages.


To effectively debug NFAS setups it helps to have your own ISDN Protocol Analyzer to trace signaling messages arriving on your side in real time. This will let you immediately see on what channel the ISDN signaling advised the call to arrive and you can then see whether the Dialogic service mapped that the correct T1/Channel.


We'd recommend using individual T1 ISDN lines (each with its own D channel).

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It is finally working now. They made some changes on their side and now I can hear the sound, and no problem on getdigit either.

But one more thing left here is, it does not show caller's phone number. I use the pstndiag, it does not show the caller's phone number either. I also tried the IDSN Trace on the D channel, I can see the call coming in, and the called phone number, but I don't see caller's phone number in the call party section. Is this something I have to speak to Verizon people as well?



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The CallerID should be sent as part of the ISDN's "SETUP" message.


If you do not see the CallerID sent in the ISDN's SETUP message then you will need to speak to Verizon and ask them to have it sent.

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