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Call Waiting

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We have call waiting option on our phone line. Hovewer, when there are two callers on the line and first one hangs up, the script continue to play and the second call is not answered. Can you please review the attached file and provide settings that will allow the use of call waiting feature. We do chage Tone Disconnect setting to ones that provided during the first caller hang up, while second is waiting.


Thank you.


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Does the phone company play a 'disconnected' tone on the line when the first caller hangs up?


If yes, then have you set the disconnect tone definition in the ConfigLine.xml file to match the played disconnect tone?


Once the disconnect tone is detected VoiceGuide will hangup the call and the second calls' ringing will be detected and the second call will be answered like a normal call.

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Yes, we did. However:


1. We got the frequency without using VoiceGuide Recorder. Can you point to the user guide of that module?


2. Regular disconnect tone differentiates in frequency and length from call waiting line disconnect . How we can accommodate two disconnect tones?



Thank you


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2. Regular disconnect tone differentiates in frequency and length from call waiting line disconnect . How we can accommodate two disconnect tones?


When specifying additional Disconnect tones you can use a:




in the ConfigLine.xml file, where X can be 2,3,4... etc.


<Tone Name="CallWaitingDisconnect">

<Notes>Disconnect tone played when Call Waiting is present</Notes>














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