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Can't Transfer W/dlink Ext Modem

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Help me please.


I've just purchase the software (v5 TAPI), the speech engine (Natural Voices) and I'm configuring the call flow in order to accept a call and transfer it to our helpdesk.


I'm using a Dlink External 560EL modem (serial) on a Windows 2000 Server.

The modem is connected to an analog interface of my Promelit FP-II internal PBX.


I've read all the threads on this forum about the hookflash features, setting up as "generate" or "tapi" or "AT", changing AT commands, and so on.


I've tried with MS Phone Dialer (an accessory on Win2000), and the hookflash (!) DOES WORK. But not with VG. The flow runs great! But the call never transfers.


The strange thing is that the hookflash is raised (I've tried a duration between 50ms and 1000ms) but doesn't produce anything. Thus, the extention I should transfer (ext 208) is raised correctly, but the line is still on on the other side of the wire (the line is not on-hook).


Cannot try the AVM Fritz! CAPI ISDN I have, because the comCAPI driver is not delivered immediately. How can I spend money if I don't know if does it work? comCAPI driver should be functional for 30 days in trial mode, but once installed it is already expired :-(


So let me know something!


many thanx




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Have you been able to do a call transfer when using the MS Phone Dialer? Can you give us step by step description of how the call was transferred. Was it an inbound or an outbound call?


The strange thing is that the hookflash is raised (I've tried a duration between 50ms and 1000ms) but doesn't produce anything.

How did you set the Hookflash length? Modems do not usually let their hookflash length be set.


Thus, the extention I should transfer (ext 208) is raised correctly, but the line is still on on the other side of the wire (the line is not on-hook).

Does the ext208 rings? What happens to the original caller? Are they left permanently on hold or is their call ended? Are you doing a "Blind" call transfer?


Could you please post a copy of VoiceGuide's Trace Logs which captures the problem, this will allow us to see what happened.


Enable logging by setting the log levels to 10 in VG.INI as per below:





Then restart VG and make a test call which does the call transfer.


Trace files will be created in VG's \log\ subdirectory.


Please post the traces and the VoiceGuide script used.


When posting traces/scripts please .ZIP them up and post them as attachments.

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Have you been able to do a call transfer when using the MS Phone Dialer? Can you give us step by step description of how the call was transferred. Was it an inbound or an outbound call?


Just tried, the MS Phone Dialer works. An example is callin from P.Dialer 208,,,,,!,,,,,212!

In this example the server is calling the 208, I pick up the 208 phone and after few seconds the I can here hold on music while the server makes the 212 to ring.

The only way is to test with outbound calls (view from VG), how could I do a test with Inbound call? Already tested also the VGS that 'plays' hookflash with play script module.


How did you set the Hookflash length? Modems do not usually let their hookflash length be set.


I've set to 500ms, as I read from my PBX manual (it is his default time). I've tried with S29=50 extra init string and by handling VG.INI in [PBX] paragraph. I've tried many values also, without any result.


Does the ext208 rings? What happens to the original caller? Are they left permanently on hold or is their call ended? Are you doing a "Blind" call transfer?


Since the line was not properly hooked-on, the ext208 does not ring, because the number was dialed directly on the previously connected phone, so does not affect the actual call.

To better understand, If I call with an external call, VG answers (with a menu), I select "1", and I can hear 2 - 0 - 8 directly on my phone, because it does not flashes.


Could you please post a copy of VoiceGuide's Trace Logs which captures the problem, this will allow us to see what happened.

Tomorrow surely I ll send you.



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how could I do a test with Inbound call?

Just dial into the system and use the Transfer Call module as part of the script which answers the call, or send hookflashes using the Play module.


To better understand, If I call with an external call, VG answers (with a menu), I select "1", and I can hear 2 - 0 - 8 directly on my phone, because it does not flashes.

More likely it does flash, but the hookflash is too short to be recognized by the PBX.


If you are able to see the system do a call transfer on outbound calls then what happens when you load "208,,,,,!,,,,,212!" as the number to be dialed by the VGDialer?


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Alan: Couple of points that may help:


1. AVM Fritz Card will work with VG-TAPI provided you use the TSP<>CAPI driver from http://www.comisdn.com. I tried a couple of years ago and got it to work. Provides support for 2 calls (1 ISDN line) - but you may have problems transferring calls as the card may not support the ISDN equivalent of hook-flash. However the Eicon (Now Dialogic) Diva server cards do support call-transfer and will work again with ComISDN or maybe just using their own v8.x TAPI driver.


2. If the hook flash works, it is usually set to your country default, but could be set for US: 500ms or uk: 100ms. Even thou there may be an S register to set hook-flash timing, often this is ignored or overridden by "Telecoms Approvals". So, it could be a 'fixed' value and you could try adjusting your PBX instead, if possible (but unlikely). I have heard it is possible to reinstall modem firmware for other countries on certain modems that allow you to 'work around' country specific limitations, if you are desparate, but i wouldn't recoomend it, even if you can find such files available.

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