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Speak Many Numbers

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I have a VBS that recovers many values in a recorset





CustId = "$RV[GetCustID]"


'This query returns many values of AccNumbers

StrSQL = "SELECT AccNumbers from CUSTOMERS where CustId = " & CustId

Set Rs = Conn.Execute(StrSQL)


Do While Not Rs.EoF

AccNumber = Rs.Fields("AccNumbers").Value

vg.RvSet LineID,"AccNumber",AccNumber

vg.Script_Goto LineID,"","SpeakAccNumber","" ' This is the module that reproduces the numbers




As I have tried it does not work thus, the program ends in abnormal form in the line of call to the Speak number module.


Wath I can do to reproduce all the values (numbers) stored in a recordset, using a Speak number module?



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You would need to create a Result Variable for each account number.


The "Database Query" module would do all of that for you: from http://www.voiceguide.com/vghelp/source/html/moddbquery.htm :


eg: module LookupTelFax uses a query: SELECT Tel, Fax FROM Customer WHERE CustId='$RV[Get CustId]' . We can use $RV[LookupTelFax_1_1] to access the contents of the Tel column and use LookupTelFax_2_1 to access he contents of the Fax column for customer 1. We can use $RV[LookupTelFax_1_2] to access the contents of the Tel column for customer 2, etc.


And then you would setup a loop using Evaluate Expression modules and have a Say Number module as part of that loop. The loop would increment a counter and you then use the counter as part of the RV name to access the 'next' RV in list of RVs made.

There are some instructions on how to setup a loop here: http://www.voiceguide.com/vghelp/source/html/modevalexpr.htm


The attached script also demonstrates the approach.


If you want to do the Database retrieval from a VBScript then you would just need to have the VBScript create RVs named in a similar format to how the Database Query module names them, and you can then use the counters as part of the naming scheme to cycle though the responses.


Hope that is clear, let us know if you have any further questions.


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