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Vg V7.05 Hmp 3.0 (199) No Sound

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I am working on an announcement only setup. I had everything working. I am not sure what changed. On future calls, no sounds was heard.


I have uninstalled and reinstalled DIALOGIC HMP 3.0 (199) and VG v7.05.


I am using Trixbox between VG and my SIP Trunk provider. With VG stopped, I can successfully make calls with sound using X-LITE from the same computer that VG is running on.


I am using a licensed version of VG.


Attached are all of the files I could think of, except the large WireShark capture, which I do have.


Any ideas? Should I attach the capture?





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If you would like for the outgoing script to start immediately after the outgoing call is answered then you need to set the "Answering Machine" script to:




Trace shows the outgoing call was being made, and when the call was answered VoiceGuide started the "Live Person / Answering Machine" Detection/Discrimination.

Looks like the person answering the call did not say anything (usually they would say "Hello" or something similar) so the Dialogic card just waited for 20 seconds - after which Dialogic timed out and told VoiceGuide to start the "Live Person" script, which VoiceGuide did. Setting the "Answering Machine" script to DISABLE will result in .vgs script started immediately after answer.



214426.406 9 3 state Dialing 914152255170@ Ringing...

214426.421 9 3 LsWaitAfterDialingOut : 2081,GCEV_ALERTING,2081,0,0,,,

214436.484 9 3 ev CallState sEvent=LINECALLSTATE_CONNECTED, crn=0x8000001, iEvent=2 ,256,0,,,]

214436.484 9 3 callstate: CONNECTED crn=0x8000001,ev=2,LINECALLSTATE_CONNECTED,2,0

214436.484 9 3 Set_hCall crn=0x8000001, called from LINECALLSTATE_CONNECTED

214436.500 9 3 LineEvCallState_Connected_OutBound crn=0x8000001, WorkingModeScript=

214436.515 9 3 dial wait as LineState().sCallProgressOption=[DX_PAMDOPTEN]

214436.515 9 3 state Dialing 914152255170@ Ringing..., doing answer detection... (DX_PAMDOPTEN)

214456.531 9 3 ev Dialogic 133,TDX_CALLP, crn=0x8000001 (134217729), 9,0,0,CR_NORB,,

214456.531 9 3 LsWaitAfterDialingOut : 133,TDX_CALLP,9,0,0,CR_NORB,,

214456.546 9 3 rv add [$RV_STARTTIME]{2008-05-13 21:44:56}

214456.546 9 3 rv add [$RV_DEVICEID]{3}

214456.546 9 3 rv add [DlgcVoice]{dxxxB1C1}

214456.546 9 3 rv add [DlgcNetwork]{iptB1T1}

214456.546 9 3 rvns add [PathApp]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\}

214456.546 9 3 rv ScriptsPath could not be set as LineState[iLineId].iVgsIdx = 0 in StartLoadedVgs_InitLineState

214456.546 9 3 rv add [$RV_CALLEDNUMBER]{914152255170@}

214456.546 9 3 Set_hCall crn=0xe8b15, called from OnCallAnswered_StartScript_Human


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  SupportTeam said:
If you would like for the outgoing script to start immediately after the outgoing call is answered then you need to set the "Answering Machine" script to:




Trace shows the outgoing call was being made, and when the call was answered VoiceGuide started the "Live Person / Answering Machine" Detection/Discrimination.

Looks like the person answering the call did not say anything (usually they would say "Hello" or something similar) so the Dialogic card just waited for 20 seconds - after which Dialogic timed out and told VoiceGuide to start the "Live Person" script, which VoiceGuide did. Setting the "Answering Machine" script to DISABLE will result in .vgs script started immediately after answer.


I should have also stated that the answer detection stopped working too. Before the message would start playing sooner. Now the answer detection does not sense a voice and waits to play the .WAV file. When the .WAV file is played, no audio is heard. It seems like a two-way audio failure.


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We'll need to see the WireShark trace to see if Voice is being transmitter/received.


Please start the WireShark trace and restart VoiceGuide


The load a new call with the "Answering Machine" script set to:




After answering the call please say a few words (regardless of whether you can hear anything else played on the line or not)


Please post VoiceGuide traces and the complete WireShark trace.

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Sorry for the slow reply. I was having an unrelated issue with my VOIP provider.


I recorded a short message and disabled the answering machine with the word "DISABLE".

I had voicedial make a test call. I answered the call and said "hello" several times. I did not hear the message.

I captured all network traffic with Wireshark.

All files involved are in the attached ZIP file, including the .WAV file.

Thank you for your help!



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Can you please post the VgEngine and ktTel traces for this call as well please. We can then see what is happening on VoiceGuide's side at the same time as the WireShark trace capture is made.

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  SupportTeam said:
Can you please post the VgEngine and ktTel traces for this call as well please. We can then see what is happening on VoiceGuide's side at the same time as the WireShark trace capture is made.

I'm sorry I missed them. They are in the attached file.

Thanks again,



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When you press DTMF tones on the telephone handset are they reported as being heard by VoiceGuide?

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I would also like to point out that after this problem started, I completely replaced the hardware that VoiceGuide was running on. The problem followed.

Could the problem be related to the fact that the SIP Register fails? I am having problems figuring out how to get VoiceGuide to register with my Trixbox server. Even though it doesn't register, Trixbox accepts connections because of the IP address.


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The WireShark traces show that no sound is being sent out, even though the Dialogic HMP driver is reporting that the sound data is played.


We have not seen this issue before, so we are going to try to replicate your system setup as best as we can to see if we can replicate the problem.


Can you please tell us about what hardware are you using (motherboard/CPU etc) and against which version of Trixbox are you registering with.


Are you able to hear VoiceGuide playing if you just make a call directly into the VoiceGuide system by just dialing it's IP address directly?

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Here is the first page of SysInfo:


OS Name Microsoft Windows XP Professional

Version 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2 Build 2600

OS Manufacturer Microsoft Corporation

System Name VG3

System Manufacturer Dell Computer Corporation

System Model OptiPlex GX240

System Type X86-based PC

Processor x86 Family 15 Model 1 Stepping 2 GenuineIntel ~1495 Mhz

BIOS Version/Date Dell Computer Corporation A05, 7/19/2002

SMBIOS Version 2.3

Windows Directory C:\WINDOWS

System Directory C:\WINDOWS\system32

Boot Device \Device\HarddiskVolume1

Locale United States

Hardware Abstraction Layer Version = "5.1.2600.2180 (xpsp_sp2_rtm.040803-2158)"

User Name VG3\Administrator

Time Zone Pacific Daylight Time

Total Physical Memory 1,024.00 MB

Available Physical Memory 444.45 MB

Total Virtual Memory 2.00 GB

Available Virtual Memory 1.96 GB

Page File Space 2.40 GB

Page File C:\pagefile.sys


Note: The complete SysInfo is attached.


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VoiceGuide would indicate that a call was incoming, but it would not answer it.


I have a feeling that my problems are related to the failure of VoiceGuide to successfully register with Trixbox.


Does anyone use VoiceGuide & Trixbox? Is there a sample Trixbox Extension configuration? It looks like Trixbox does not support MD5 secrets. (Asterisk does, but not the FreePBX GUI that Trixbox uses.)


Should I be switching to just plain Asterisk, without the Trixbox front-end?


I am begining to think that I should not have spend $796 for this VoiceGuide product that I cannot use.


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First we should establish is the system is functioning properly on it's own and then we can look the VoIP registration side.


Have you tried testing VoiceGuide by just dialing into it directly using the IP address of the machine on which VoiceGuide is installed?

Just run this test before you try setting up any VoIP PBX registration options VG. Just use VG as it is when it is first installed and dial into it.


You can also test outgoing calls by dialing your VoIP (soft)phone directly from VG. Can the sound be heard then?


Run the WireShark traces on VG's system at the same time when making the two tests above.


Please ensure no other VoIP related programs are running on this system apart from HMP and VoiceGuide.


This will let us confirm VoiceGuide's operation and we can then move onto registering it with Trixbox or Asterisk and fixing that configuration.


I assume that Trixbox was installed on another machine, correct?


We have other users using VoiceGuide with Asterisk with no problems.

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