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Reproduction Of Numbers

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Hello, I have problems with the reproduction of numbers, the system works well, but when it he has to reproduce a number that has been recovered of the Database, it he does'nt reproduce

What happens?

Thank you


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Looks like you are asking for the Say Number module to say: 216.2 as "Amount - Dollars And Cents", and it does look like the Say Number module is having a problem with this.


We'll look into this and should have an answer for you in a few hours.


165909.522 6 1 rv replace start: [$RV[savingsBalance_2_$RV[Counter]]]

165909.522 6 1 rvns: [PathSysVoice]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\system\voice\}[PathApp]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\}[PathDataVm]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\data\}[PathVgSys]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\system\}[scriptPath]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Roosevelt Roads\}[scriptsPath]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Roosevelt Roads\}[$RV_STARTTIME]{2008-06-10 16:58:22}[$RV_DEVICEID]{1}[DlgcVoice]{dxxxB1C1}[DlgcNetwork]{dxxxB1C1}[$RV_CIDNAME]{}[PathApp]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\}[scriptsPath]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Roosevelt Roads\}[$RV_CIDNUMBER]{}[sqlConnStr]{Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=ivr;Initial Catalog=CustMast_Bkup;Data Source=SERVER-FDO1}[DB]{CustMast_Bkup}[ConnectDB_ResultReturn]{success}[GetCustID]{100051094}[




me]{2008-06-10 16:59:07}[scriptEnd_Goto_Script]{BalanceSavings.vgs}[scriptEnd_Goto_Module]{Savi

gsBalance}[scriptStart_Time]{2008-06-10 16:59:07}[scriptStart_CalledFrom_Script]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Roosevelt Roads\TelecoopMain.vgs}[scriptStart_CalledFrom_Module]{BalanceMenu}[scriptsPath]{

:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Roosevelt Roads\}[savingsBalance]{1}[savingsBalance_NumCuenta_1]{20001.01.00051094.0001}[sa







nBalanceLogic_Input]{1 = 1}[MainBalanceLogic]{True}[Counter_Input]{1}[Counter]{1}[buscaWavFile_FileDeLect


WavFile_RowCount]{1}[EvaluateAcctName_Input]{isnull("") or "" = ""}[EvaluateAcctName]{True}[DecideSerie_Input]{True}[DecideSerie]{True}

165909.522 6 1 rv replace end: [216.2]

165909.522 6 1 state [Esde] Say Numbers: 216.2 as Amount - Dollars And Cents

165909.538 6 1 PlaySoundStartNumbers Prompts\124.wav, , 216.2, Amount - Dollars And Cents

165909.538 6 1 PlaySoundStartNumbers sVbsFunctionToUse=AmountDollarsAndCents

165909.538 6 1 current objVbsOrExeProcess=System.Diagnostics.Process (wscript)

165909.538 6 1 current objVbsOrExeProcess details : id=1056, handle=5744, hasExited=True, startTime=6/10/2008 4:58:27 PM, exitTime=6/10/2008 4:58:28 PM

165909.538 6 1 RunVBScriptFile [wscript][C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\temp\vbs_1_SayNumber.vbs][] timeout=10 (vbsPath=C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\temp), start (new Process)

165909.538 6 1 objVbsOrExeProcess.Start call

165909.553 6 1 RunVBScriptFile just started. Handle=6140, Id=1424, StartTime=6/10/2008 4:59:09 PM, HasExited=False

165909.553 6 1 VBScript started [C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\temp\vbs_1_SayNumber.vbs], ProcessHandle=[6140], VbsOrExeProcess.WorkingSet=[65536]

165909.553 6 1 started C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\temp\vbs_1_SayNumber.vbs AmountDollarsAndCents [216.2]

165909.553 6 1 t set 1 EV_TIMEOUT_CHECKONSTATE

165909.553 6 1 PlaySoundStartNumbers returned

165909.553 6 1 t set 1 EV_TIMEOUT_CHECKONSTATE

165910.585 4 1 timer fired EV_TIMEOUT_CHECKONSTATE

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Please go to VoiceGuide's \temp\ subdirectory and .ZIP up and post here all the files there which end in: _SayNumber.vbs


We can then see why the Say Number module is not working on your system.


Do you perhaps have Norton AntiVirus installed on your system, or any other anti-virus type package which would prevent the running of VBScripts?

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Please go to VoiceGuide's \temp\ subdirectory and .ZIP up and post here all the files there which end in: _SayNumber.vbs


We can then see why the Say Number module is not working on your system.


Do you perhaps have Norton AntiVirus installed on your system, or any other anti-virus type package which would prevent the running of VBScripts?

It's the only one


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Looks like the lib_num2wav.vbs file was modified, and the modified version does not work.


If you backed up a copy of the lib_num2wav.vbs before modifying it the use the backup to reinstate the original version of lib_num2wav.vbs file.


The other option is for you to reinstall VoiceGuide.

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Looks like the lib_num2wav.vbs file was modified, and the modified version does not work.


If you backed up a copy of the lib_num2wav.vbs before modifying it the use the backup to reinstate the original version of lib_num2wav.vbs file.


The other option is for you to reinstall VoiceGuide.


Hello, I work with Diego. The lib_num2wav.vbs has been modified to adjust it to spanish. This same VBS is already running in two production sistems for more than two moth. So that is not the problem. In the past we have seen problems with number reproduction in other servers. For example we open a Isse relating a very slow response time on a Pentium IV 3.0 Ghz , Windows XP pro system. We purchased a new Dual Core server an that solved the proble. In this case the server is a Dual Xeon 2.8 GHZ with 2.0 Gig of RAM, again running Windows XP. We already tested again everithing (same scripts, prompts, Dialogic Card, Etc) on a test system running Pentium Dual Core, XP PRO and it runs fine.


So the lib_num2wav.vbs is ok... that for sure is not the problem.


Please advise.




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Did you try copying over the lib_num2wav.vbs from the working system?


The lib_num2wav.vbs on this problem system contains this line:




Which is an instruction to display a Message Box. When VoiceGuide runs in Service mode this message box would not be displayed on the screens however, and the result of this call would be a blocking of further execution of the VBScript...

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