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Sound File Won't Play

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Running v6 with dialogic 41/d. Selected .wav file converted with windows sound recorder to 8 hz 8 bit mono in "play sound" script. I can hear the sound file when I play it in the script, but I cannoct hear it when I call the line. The "state" on the line shows the script running.





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Have you saved the sound file in uLaw format or are the sound files in PCM format?


In VoiceGuide v6 the 41/d card requires MuLaw 8kHz 8bit Mono sound files.


The Download page also has a download for system sound files for Dialogic D/21D,D/41D,Dialog/4,VFX/40 cards. The files in that downlaod are in MuLaw 8kHz 8bit Mono format.


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I downloaded and selected the mulaw 8khz 8bit files. Again, they play in the script editor, but no sound when you call the system. It rings once, picks up and the "state" shows the right path to the sound file.


No luck. Any other suggestions?



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Could you please post a copy of VoiceGuide's Debug Printout which captures the outgoing call, this will allow us to see what happened.


Enable logging by setting the log levels to 10 in VG.INI as per below:










Then make a test call which demonstrates the problem.


Debug Trace files will be created in VG's \log\ subdirectory.


Please post the traces and the VoiceGuide script used.


When posting traces/scripts please .ZIP them up and post them as attachments.

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I am not an IT person and I need basic instructions to do the voiceguide debug print out. Where is the vg.ini and how do I insert the suggested settings?



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The VG.INI file is in the VoiceGuide directory (usually C:\Program Files\VocieGuide). Double click on the file to edit it. Save the edited VG.INI file and restart VoiceGuide.

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Does the default sample script provided with VoiceGuide plays the sound files correctly? (The credit card payment script)


Can you also try downloading and installing v7 of VoiceGuide on this system and see if it works?



135733.203 play pcm Invalid input file format. Input WAV file must be PCM. [C:\Documents and Settings\Voice System\Desktop\VOX FIles\voice MuLaw\Credit Card Payment\PayGetCc.wav] format_tag=0x7 (expected 1). buffer=[WAVEfmt ], sizeWavHeader=0x12



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I can hear the sound files in the script editor but not when you call in. I am running this system from an old box with windows 2000 and it won't support net 3.5.

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Looks like with this card you may need to use .VOX sound files. The .VOX sound file is an ADPCM 8kHz 4 bit format. One application that you can use to convert the .WAV files to ADPCM VOX is SOX: see: http://sox.sourceforge.net/

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Could you please post traces of VoiceGuide running the default Credit Card Payment script - and playing the default sound files that come with that script. The default 8kHz sound files that are installed when VG v6 is installed should play OK on the D/41D card.

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I was able to convert some sound files to .vox files but the script designer doesn't see the .vox files when I browse to select them. Any suggestions?



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To display the *.vox files you would need to type in:




in the "File Name" text box on the "Select File" dialog.



Could you please post traces of VoiceGuide running the default Credit Card Payment script

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I ran the sample credit card payment script. Again, the sound file plays and can be heard in the scrip editor, but not whne you call the line. Attached are the logs.





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Converting the .wav to adpcm .vox format did the trick! Thanks for the help!



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