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Wrong Script Started

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Hi I have a little probleme that I can fix.

I usgin a Mysql database to place outgoing calls. I have specified 2 scripts to be run when calls are anwsered:


"test_A4.vgs" for human anwsers

"MV_test_A4.vgs" for AM anwsers


For unknown reasons sometimes another script is payed to the anwsered calls "test.vgs"


The probleme is that I do not specify that script on my CallQue table (bug.sql in attachement) and in the logs (log in attachement) I can see that script applied. I do not understand.


log file in attachement as well as sql file of the database.


Do you have an idea of what happens.


Thank you






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In the attached 10MB vgEngine trace there is one call being made on which the test.vgs script is used.

Trace shows that this test.vgs is what was specfied in the database so that is why this script was used.

You would need to check with whatever system you use to inserts your calls into the database as to why that system specified for test.vgs to be used for a call to this number (0684959165).

The trace also shows you the ID of the retrieved row, so you can use the ID as well to debug your process that inserts calls into the database.


151814.398 10 dial FindCallQueryCompleted some calls found (any lineid search), ID/GUID=2095/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, sTaskTimestamp=151814.398, diff=00:00:00

151814.398 10 dial DbProcessQueue_Callback_DoWorkFindCall objDbDataReader_Stage2.Read() returned True

151814.398 10 dial DbProcessQueue_Callback_DoWorkFindCall objDbDataReader_Stage2.iFieldCount=18, sTaskTimestamp=151814.398, diff=00:00:00

151814.398 10 dial DbProcessQueue_Callback_DoWorkFindCall oOutCallData.iID=2095

151814.398 10 dial DbProcessQueue_Callback_DoWorkFindCall oOutCallData.guid is not used LinkField=[iD]

151814.398 10 dial DbProcessQueue_Callback_DoWorkFindCall oOutCallData.strPhoneNumber=[0684959165]

151814.398 10 dial DbProcessQueue_Callback_DoWorkFindCall oOutCallData.strPhoneNumberPrefix=[0]

151814.398 10 dial DbProcessQueue_Callback_DoWorkFindCall oOutCallData.datetimeActivation=[08/04/2009 15:18:13]

151814.461 10 dial DbProcessQueue_Callback_DoWorkFindCall error retrieveing strCallOptions. (probably set to null string)

151814.461 10 dial DbProcessQueue_Callback_DoWorkFindCall error retrieveing strEscalationCalls. (probably set to null string)

151814.461 10 dial live=C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\test.vgs, am=, fax=, onNotAnswer=, onRetriesExhausted=



The attached sql does not even have any calls to number 0684959165 in it, perhaps you had some old entry in that database that only reached it's activation time at 15:18:14? (perhaps a 'retry' dial?)


or maybe the 0684959165 number was added after all the numbers listed in the SQL script, as the ID of that entry is 2095, which is higer/newer ID then the other calls made in that trace file which have IDs of 640 to about 950.

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