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Message Forwarding

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VG ver 7.

1. How do I instruct VG to use the same line to forward a message to another number?

2. When VG forwards a message, it doesn't play the message or respond to key entries. In the status line it say's "Machine Answer, Wait for end of welcome message", yet, I am answering the call, not an answering machine. I don't know how to access the event trace log in ver 7. If you need that, you will need to instruct me on how to initiate it.

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A voicemail box can automatically dial out and deliver the just recorded voicemail message. Is this what you require?


Otherwise you can use a "Send Phone Message" module to load an outbound call into the system and setup the appropriate scripts to run on this outbound call to do what you require.


The Dialogic cards will sometimes mistakenly report that an answering machine has picked up the call. This can happen if dialing out to a mobile number or if the line quality is poor (eg if VoIP is used) or if there is some mechanical noise in background if person answers the call.


Usual way of handling this situation is to have the script that is ran in "On Answering Machine" cases to start if with a "This is a call from XYZ, please press 1 to continue..." message, and only then play the message intended for answering machines. Live people wold press a key on their telephone and would then be sent to the script that is ran on Live answer.

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Yes, That is exactly what I need. Please give me detailed instructions on how to set that up. Thank You.

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To have the voicemail box automatically dial out and deliver the just recorded voicemail message all that is needed is for the forwarding telephone number of be specified for that voicemail box.

This can be done in the Voicemail manager application, or over the phone when the voicemial box owner logs into the voicemail box and changes their settings.

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I've already done that. It doesn't work properly. Please refer to my original question as follows; (When VG forwards a message, it doesn't play the message or respond to key entries. In the status line it say's "Machine Answer, Wait for end of welcome message", yet, I am answering the call, not an answering machine.)

And you replied; (The Dialogic cards will sometimes mistakenly report that an answering machine has picked up the call. This can happen if dialing out to a mobile number or if the line quality is poor (eg if VoIP is used) or if there is some mechanical noise in background if person answers the call.

Usual way of handling this situation is to have the script that is ran in "On Answering Machine" cases to start if with a "This is a call from XYZ, please press 1 to continue..." message, and only then play the message intended for answering machines. Live people wold press a key on their telephone and would then be sent to the script that is ran on Live answer.)


Now can you tell me in detail, how to configure this in the system?


Specifically, how do I do this>>>(have the script that is ran in "On Answering Machine" cases to start if with a "This is a call from XYZ, please press 1 to continue..." message, and only then play the message intended for answering machines. Live people wold press a key on their telephone and would then be sent to the script that is ran on Live answer.)


Thank You.

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The voicemail system's forwarding script used for the "Answering Machine Answer" option is designed to just play the message when the answering machine message finishes - ie. when the answering machine starts recording.


So in situations when a human answers the call, the message would be played a couple of seconds after the human says "Hello".


If you are not finding this happening on your system the please .ZIP up and post the traces from the system which capture the outgoing call. This will let us see what is happening on this system.

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Trace shows that on the outgoing call the system did not detect the answering machine message finishing, and after 14 seconfs the call was ended by the recipient of call hanging up.


The 'answering machine welcome message' was saved in file C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\temp\RecAm_3.wav

could you please .ZIP up that file and post it here.

That recording should show us why the system thought that the 'answering machine welcome message' was continually playing for these 14 seconds.



181208.734 6 3 2 state Machine Answer. Wait for end of welcome message...

181208.744 6 3 2 dial awaiting end of answering machine message (lvl:10 for 20)

181208.744 6 3 2 qTel add cmd_SilenceDetectSet [20,10,0,0,0][||||]

181208.744 7 3 2 qTel run cmd_SilenceDetectSet

181208.744 6 3 2 qTel add cmd_RecordFileStart [7,0,0,0,0][||||]

181208.744 7 3 2 qTel run cmd_RecordFileStart

181208.744 6 3 2 RecSoundStart [C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\temp\RecAm_3.wav] ok

181208.744 6 3 2 t timer set 120 sec : EV_TIMEOUT_HANGUP

181208.744 6 3 2 timer set completed lTimeLeft250msUnits=480, iTimeoutCode=9001

181208.744 11 dial Db_Delete_Entry end id=16 guid=22fdde85-8be0-4651-9281-e67e78171c74

181222.654 18 3 2 ev Dialogic 134,TDX_CST, crn=20000002, 1789,0,0,DE_LCOF,,

181222.654 18 3 2 qScr add evScriptEvent 134 DE_LCOF

181222.654 6 3 2 qScr run evScriptEvent sCode=[DE_LCOF] iActionID=0, crn=20000002[1789|0|0|0|0][DE_LCOF|||||]

181222.654 6 3 2 scriptevent DE_LCOF param1:DE_LCOF, param2:, param3:

181222.654 6 3 2 LsDialoutRecAnswerMachineWelcMsg EV_UNKNOWN_134, DE_LCOF

181222.654 18 [CallControl]:LoopCurrentDrop =

181222.654 18 3 2 HangupCall, source=Loop Current Off (vgm unknown), WorkModeScript=Running_Normal, yLineStateAppPov=[Connected], lPlayId=0, lRecId=59314

181222.654 18 3 2 ScriptWorkingMode set Stopping, (called from HangupCall)

181222.654 18 3 2 ls set Disconnect_Pending (scriptstate=LS_ENDINGCALL)

181222.654 18 3 2 state Hanging up... [Loop Current Off (vgm unknown)]

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I think you were right in your first reply, there is allot of noise on my line which may be indicating to VG that an answering machine is playing.

Can we just set this up so that it gives me the option to "press 1 to hear the message" regardless of how the call is answered? At least that will work until I can find out why I have so much noise on my line.


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Sounds like some sort of electric interference noise.

We have added new functionality to let you disable/ignore the AM detection on outgoing Voicemail message delivery calls.

Please update your system to this version:

[old link removed]

And in VG.INI, in section [Voicemail] add this entry:


This will result in same script being started as what is started for live answer as soon as the answering machine answer is detected.

Please post traces as before if you still have any issues/questions.

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OK, that works, but if the call isn't answered right away, VG hangs up to soon. How can I extend the number of times VG asks the recipient to "press 1 to replay the message..." Or can I set this up like I had it in ver 5, where VG would call and play a message "you have a new voice mail message, Please press 1 to play the message"

In either case, I need it to play long enough so that if the call goes to the recipients voice mail, the message is recorded, so that we know that we received a call from VG.

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The default 'wait till answer' time when delivering voicemail messages is 60 seconds. This is in line with usual Telco answer timeout timeouts.


Most redirects to voicemail happen after about 30 seconds, and VoiceGuide would then leave the message on the recipients voicemail system.


Please post traces if you are not seeing a 60 second timeout time.

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Because of the noise on my line, VG is playing the message right away. Is there a way to make the callers message repeat a certain number of times before the VG prompt comes on (press 1 to replay...).

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never mind, I made the change. I increased the replays in module VmRmPlayMsg in the VmLogin.vgs script.

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Since we made the change above, the system will no longer retry if a call fails.

How can we fix that. I have retries set to 2

See log. forwarding begins around 221921

also included VG file.


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Because of the noise on my line, VG is playing the message right away.

Most likely the Dialogic card mistakes noise on the line as an answering machine message, and hence would start the Answering Machine script.


And for message forwarding system the call is regarded as successful if the answering machine (or live person) is detected.


False answer detection due to noise on line is one of the problems affecting some analog lines. This is why for reliable outbound calls we recommend using T1/E1 ISDN lines.

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We don't have those lines in our area.

we need to set this up so that VG asks for a responce from the called person and if no responce, it should be concidered a fail and retry.

That's how it was in Ver 5 and it worked fine. I want the system to retry if no response from the called person.

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So essentially you want system to play "Please press 1 to accept this call" and if no keypress is made then the call is not considered successful, correct?

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So essentially you want system to play "Please press 1 to accept this call" and if no keypress is made then the call is not considered successful, correct?



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Looks like v7 does not have the "Please press 1 to accept this call" option.


In v7 the Dialogic based answer detection is good enough in correctly detecting call answer that this was just not required.


We will look into adding in this option.



In the meantime, the immediate workaround would be to change the voicemail system forwarding scripts to play this "press 1 to accept", and if no keypress is detected then the forwarding script can re-load the outgoing call.


To achieve this:


1. Change the VG.INI setting VmForwardTel_AM (in [Voicemail] section) to DISABLE

This will result in the vmMsgDeliver script to start immediately after number is dialed.


2. Edit the vmMsgDeliver.vgs script to do the "press 1 to continue" in a loop.


3. If no keypress is detected then use a "Run VBSCript" module and call the Dialer_OutDialQueAdd function, and for the "Live Script" or "AM Script" fields use:




This will re-load the outgoing call.

You will need to keep track of retries and decrement those as well.

To set the outgoing call time to be in X minutes time use "Now+X" as the "ActivateTime", eg: Now+10

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You need to be more specific. I know how to make the change in the VG.INI file, but starting with number 2 of your instructions. I found the vmMsgDeliver.vgs file.

1. How do I edit it to do the "press 1 to continue" in a loop.

2. How do I send the system to the VBScript. On "Fail Go To" or On "Timeout Go To"?

3. I found the file Dialer_OutDialQueAdd and loaded it into th VB, but where do I find "Live Script" or "AM Script" fields, to enter "NEWEST_VOICEMIL_MESSAGE:$RV" as you stated.

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1. How do I edit it to do the "press 1 to continue" in a loop

You can just a play module with a larger value for the number of 'replays'.


2. How do I send the system to the VBScript. On "Fail Go To" or On "Timeout Go To"?

"On Timeout Go To"


3. I found the file Dialer_OutDialQueAdd and loaded it into th VB, but where do I find "Live Script" or "AM Script" fields, to enter "NEWEST_VOICEMIL_MESSAGE:$RV" as you stated.


Dialer_OutDialQueAdd is a COM or WCF command. it has these parameters (amongst others):



See: http://www.voiceguide.com/vghelp/source/html/com_dialer_outdialqueadd.htm

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Dialer_OutDialQueAdd is a COM or WCF command. it has these parameters (amongst others):





Those commands are not here.

This is everything in my "Dialer_OutDialQueAdd" File;


set vg = CreateObject("vgServices.CommandLink")

sEscalationCalls = "5552222, 4, 5, d:\AskToAccept.wav, d:\EscalateLvl_2.vgs, d:\EscalateLvl_2.vgs, [CustomerID]{44563}, 5553333, 3, 10, d:\AskToAccept.wav, d:\EscalateLvl_3.vgs, d:\EscalateLvl_3.vgs, [CustomerID]{44563}"

vg.Dialer_OutDialQueAdd "0,5551234", 0, 0, 0, "", "", 2, "c:\sendinfo\announce.wav", "c:\sendinfo\InfoMenu.vgs", "c:\sendinfo\CallBackDetails.wav", "[CustomerID]{44563}", 0, 2, 5, "", sEscalationCalls

set vg = Nothing

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sOnAnswerLive and sOnAnswerMachine are the 10th and 11th parameters in the

Dialer_OutDialQueAdd function used by v7. Please see: http://www.voiceguide.com/vghelp/source/html/com_dialer_outdialqueadd.htm


The snippet you quote looks like is in older format used by v6. v7 uses a slightly different format. Both formats are shown on the help file page mentioned above.


Please attach the correct Dialer_OutDialQueAdd file for v7

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The format of the OutDial XML file is specified on this page: http://www.voiceguide.com/vghelp/source/html/diallistinto.htm


I am not a computer tech, I do not understand the instructions that you refer me to.

Please create the file that I need to enter into the VB Script and attach it to your reply.

I have instructed VG to retry 2 times every 5 minutes and it is not retrying.

I have attached my vgs file. This is what I have done so far.

Please make the nessessary adjustments and send back. Thank You.


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I have attached the log file and the script for Voicemail forwarding. I have set up the script as instructed. The attached log is an event of Voiceguide forwarding a voicemail to a designated number. The call should have retried do to no responce from the recipient. VG did not retry. VG.ini has been instructed to retry 2 times every 5 minutes.


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You have posted the above in a separate thread - without any linking to this thread. We had to find the above post with the trace files and link it into this thread. If you make posts in new threads then it is not possible for people answering the posts to see the prior history and to answer the questions.



Trace shows there is an error in VBScript in the module [Retry].

Recommend you use Admin_TraceLogAdd COM calls to trace through your VBSCript in that module to find at which stage the VBScript is breaking. ( http://www.voiceguide.com/vghelp/source/html/com_admin_tracelogadd.htm )


120631.144 6 1 1 state [Retry] type: VB Script, iRunWait=1

120631.144 6 1 1 script will be ran from file: C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\temp\vbs_1_1.vbs

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I'm sorry, I don't understand those instructions. Please be more specific on exactly what I need to do.

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From looking at the trace it looks like in out script there is a 'Run VBScript' module titled [Retry].


It looks like the VBScript which you have entered in that module has errors in it. The VBScript stops when it encounters the error.


To find out at which stage there is an error in the script you should add some Admin_TraceLogAdd function calls throughout the script.


See: http://www.voiceguide.com/vghelp/source/html/com_admin_tracelogadd.htm


Then you can see in the vgEngine trace the output of the Admin_TraceLogAdd function calls, and from seeing which Admin_TraceLogAdd function logs can be seen and which cannot be seen you can deduce on which line you have the error in the [Retry] module.

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The script that you have posted does not even have a module titled "Retry" - so looks like you have posted a script that is different to the one that was used by you beforehand...


In the script that you did post there is a module called "Run VB Script 1", which does not contain a valid VBScript but has some pseudo-xml notation.


The VBScript module which reloads the file to be sent should have something like this in it:


set vg = CreateObject("vgServices.CommandLink")

vg.Dialer_OutDialQueAdd "$RV_DIALEDNUMBER", "", "", "", "", "", "", "VmMsgReDeliver", 1, "C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\System\vm\vmMsgDeliver.vgs", "C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\System\vm\vmMsgDeliver.vgs", "", "", ", 90, 2, 30, "[VmbId]{$RV[VmbId]}[VmFileToPlay]{$RV[VmFileToPlay]}", "", ""

set vg = Nothing


or you can try the below if the Voicmail box is not setup to copy the left message to other VMBs:


set vg = CreateObject("vgServices.CommandLink")

vg.Vm_Event $RV_DEVICEID, "FORWARD", "$RV[VmbId]", "$RV[VmFileToPlay]", "", ""

Set vg = Nothing



Would recommend that you get someone technical to assist you in deploying this or contact sales@voiceguide.com if you need more assistance.

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