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Mysql Db

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Sir Good day!I just only want to ask how to connect my Database into my script.

My DB is MySQL, and I use EasyPHP editor application for my MySQL, I also go to the

help content of VoiceGuide for connection string, but Im confuse because I dont know

what I need to put to the "Server","Database","Uid",& "Pwd". see my attachment for

some clarificaton.I dont have password to the MySQL and I dont know what is the

server and Uid?



Attachment:Test SQL DB.zip

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I dont have password to the MySQL

... so how do you connect to the database using phpMyAdmin?


Have you looked at the Help file entry for the Database Query module? It has some examples of how to specify the Database and Connect String fields.


Read the section that says: "The examples below use ADO.NET data providers and can only be used in VoiceGuide v7" :




You need to ensure that you have a MySQL ADO.NET data provider installed on the VocieGuide system, so that VoiceGuide is able to communicate with MySQL using ADO.NET.

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Sir see my attache file picture,as you see in window 1, I select the admin. Then the window 2 is appear

Then I select the MySQL MANAGER, then in window 3 i create a database name "one" with utf8, then making table is

start and also some fields,that how I create MySQL sir.

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Sir see my attache file picture,as you see in window 1, I select the admin. Then the window 2 is appear

Then I select the MySQL MANAGER, then in window 3 i create a database name "one" with utf8, then making table is

start and also some fields,that how I create MySQL sir.

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To specify the connection string to the database you will need to know the username/password of a user privileged to access the databases/tables that you want to access.


If you do not know these then you should speak to the database administrator or the person that installed MySQL on your system.


Configuring MySQL is outside the scope of this forum.


We can if you wish assist with creating the solution for you. Please contact sales@voiceguide.com if you would like to look into this.

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Okay Sir right now the username is root and the password is mysql, but still error. can you figure out what is the

problem here are the log file and also script.Thanks a lot.



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To connect to a particular database you need to have that databases ADO.NET Data Provider installed.


To connect to MySQL database you need to have MySQL's ADO.NET Data Provider installed.


From traces we can see that you have not yet installed the MySQL's ADO.NET Data Provider on your system.


Once if is installed, you then need to specify it as the Data Provider.


Please see the MySQL example for v7 in this Help file page: http://www.voiceguide.com/vghelp/source/html/moddbquery.htm



100703.093 6 3 2 db strDatabaseName=[system.Data.SqlClient] strDbConnectString=[Data Source=;Database=one;User ID=root;Password=mysql;] sAdoNetFactoriesAvailable=[|System.Data.Odbc|System.Data.OleDb|System.Data.OracleClient|System.Data.SqlClient|System.Data.SqlServerCe.3.5|VistaDB.NET20|]

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