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Outbound Not Working

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Looks like you are using E1 ISDN, correct?


Traces show the E1 is not 'in service'.


If you have inbound working then looks like you would have had the E1 'in service' at some stage.


Best to test the E1 using Dialogic's isdiag software. Once you have calls working with isdiag you will then be able to make calls with VoiceGuide.

isdiag shows the D channels status in the top of the status line. If all status indicators are 0 this means the ISDN trunk is fully in service.


Please see: http://www.voiceguide.com/vghelp/source/html/configisdnsetup.htm

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System now can often call.

Everytime i load number with outdial_*.xml. System adds number in dial queue. which i can observe from Status monitor.


Now system can initiate outbound call if Call length time is below 30. if "Call Length" in line status window exceeds 30 and there is no ringing status, "Status" changes to "Waiting for call" from "Dialing <NUMBER>".

Is this effect of timeout. How we can increase timeout if it is from timeout.

Why System is taking so long time (30 seconds) to send ring to destination number.


log aug 10 dial timeout.zip

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Why System is taking so long time (30 seconds) to send ring to destination number.


Trace shows that Telco is never reporting that the call is proceeding, so you should ask Telco why the number you dialed never stated ringing, and why Telco issues a Disconnect after 30 seconds.


143831.484 5896 2 fn LineMakeCall(iLineId=2, iCallRequestId=0 (ignored), strNumberToCall=[9803006838], callprog=DX_PAMDOPTEN, timeout=60, params:0,0,cid=[(null)],opt=[])


143831.515 2184 2 ev GCEV_DIALING crn=2800240 crn_lastMakeCall=2800240


143831.781 2184 2 ev GCEV_PROCEEDING crn=2800240 lastMakeCall=2800240, hli->crn=2800240


143901.796 2184 2 ev GCEV_DISCONNECTED crn=2800240



Also, you are not using the right Dialogic drivers. Please see our Downloads page and download the drivers meant to be used with current VoiceGuide v7.


To debug Outbound calls it is best to use the ISDIAG tool. Once outbound calls are working with ISDIAG then you can start VoiceGuide and start making them with VoiceGuide. Please see: http://www.voiceguide.com/vghelp/source/html/configisdnsetup.htm

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