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Answer Detection With Voip

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I am placing outgoing calls which upon answering will either go to a live person script or an answering script.

Live person is working fine; however, when an answer machine is detected, the answering machine script never gets played.



In the line monitoring status window, it indicates that a machine answered and it's waiting for end of answering message. After 100 seconds, the call is ended and the script is never called. I have attached my trace log files.


The configuration is with Dialogic HMP driver and using VOIP using Callcentric. Registration and calling are working fine, except for this answering detection.


I have attached three log files after resatarting the evaluation license of VG7 running on Windows 7.


The folks at Dialogic had me create this custom set of VOIP settings which improve live person detection but answering machine never worked.


Host Media Processing (HMP):

While using HMP, all PVD and PAMD qualification template modifications are ONLY available via config files and can NOT be modified without restarting the Dialogic service. The following steps will be used to modify HMP qualification templates:


Note: 4r4v4e4c4s4f4i_hib_pur pcd/fcd/config file will be used as an example in this proceedure - your pcd/fcd/config file names will change based on license used and system release.


1.) As a precaution, save a backup copy of the fcd, pcd and config files which you will be editing

2.) Open the Host's PCD file (4r4v4e4c4s4f4i_hib_pur.pcd) and search for "COMP sigdet"

3.) Once you've found this section change the InitOption from YES to NO

4.) Also, while here note the NumInstances, you will need to reference this in the config file.

[COMP sigdet]


Attribute :std_ComponentType:0x07

NumInstances :4 <-------------Note this value

StartInstanceNum :1

ConfigOption :YES

InitOption :NO <----------- Change from YES to NO

DependentComp :waveAnalyser



5.) Save and exit the PCD file and open the hosts config file (4r4v4e4c4s4f4i_hib_pur.config)

6.) Search for the "[sigDet]" section of the config file - if the section does not exist add it at the bottom of the config file

7.) Add "init iNNN” immediately below the [sigDet] line where iNNN is the NumInstances noted in the pcd file

8.) On the next line add “DeletePvd 128193”. The number represents the default PVD qualification ID defined for HMP.

9.) On the next line, add the new PVD qualification template parameters followed by "CreatePvd".

10.) On the next line, add “DeletePamd 106561”. The number represents the default PAMD qualification ID defined for HMP.

11.) On the next line, add the new PAMD qualification template parameters followed by "CreatePamd".



init i4

!Delete the default PVD qualification template

DeletePvd 128193


!User defined Pvd template.

PvdDesc signalId 128193

PvdDesc signalLabel 0000

PvdDesc minSnr 50

PvdDesc maxSnr 600

PvdDesc maxPk 2

PvdDesc maxRing 5

PvdDesc ringThresh 10000

PvdDesc PvdWin 8

PvdDesc PvdVthresh 5000

PvdDesc PvdRbLow 380

PvdDesc PvdRbHigh 510



!Delete the default PAMD qualification template

DeletePamd 106561


!User defined PAMD template.

PamdDesc signalId 106561

PamdDesc signalLabel 0000

PamdDesc minRing 190

PamdDesc mask 1

PamdDesc maxAnsiz1 159

PamdDesc maxAnsiz2 159

PamdDesc maxAnsiz3 159

PamdDesc loHiss 22

PamdDesc hiHiss 16

PamdDesc bhParm 5

PamdDesc cvThresh1 80

PamdDesc cvThresh2 165

PamdDesc maxCvThresh 390

PamdDesc nMaxBroad 2

PamdDesc nMaxErg 65

PamdDesc maxSilence 45

PamdDesc voiceThresh 25

PamdDesc silenceThresh 5000

PamdDesc rjFbandLow 0

PamdDesc rjFbandHigh 0



12.) Save and exit the config file and run the fcdgen utiltiy to create an fcd file:


fcdgen 4r4v4e4c4s4f4i_hib_pur.config


13.) Restart the Dialogic HMP services.


Please see attached config file (4r4v4e4c4s4f4i_hib_pur.config) for completed template changes.




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In the line monitoring status window, it indicates that a machine answered and it's waiting for end of answering message. After 100 seconds, the call is ended and the script is never called.

The traces show that (as you say) VoiceGuide is waiting for the anwering machine mssage to finish, but it looks like after 100 seconds the answering machine mesage still has not finished.


Please .ZIP up an post the file C:\Program Files (x86)\VoiceGuide\temp\RecAm_3.wav


This sound file will show what was heard by VoiceGuide while waiting for the answering machine message to finish.


Relevant VoiceGuide traces are:


192539.079  6   3   1 state Machine Answer. Wait for end of welcome message...
192539.080  6   3   1       dial  awaiting end of answering machine message (lvl:10 for 20)
192539.080  6   3   1       qTel  add   cmd_SilenceDetectSet [20,10,0,0,0][||||]
192539.080  7   3   1       qTel  run   cmd_SilenceDetectSet
192539.082 11               dial  Db_Delete_Entry begin id=201 guid=94c5664d-91ba-41e7-aabe-4678d9e49cd1 linkField=GUID, sql=[DELETE FROM callque WHERE ID=@iID; DELETE FROM porttouse WHERE CallID=@iID;DELETE FROM callque WHERE GUID=@guid; DELETE FROM porttouse WHERE CallGUID=@guid;]
192539.092  6   3   1       qTel  add   cmd_RecordFileStart [7,0,0,0,0][||||]
192539.093  6   3   1       RecSoundStart [C:\Program Files (x86)\VoiceGuide\temp\RecAm_3.wav] ok
192539.093  7   3   1       qTel  run   cmd_RecordFileStart
192539.093  6   3   1 t     timer set   120 sec : EV_TIMEOUT_HANGUP
192539.105 11               dial  Db_Delete_Entry end id=201 guid=94c5664d-91ba-41e7-aabe-4678d9e49cd1
192646.395 19   3   1 ev    CallState GCEV_DISCONNECTED, crn=8000001, iEvent=2 ,16384,0,64,,,]. vgEngine v7.2.4050.41622 (2011-02-02 23:07:25.26)
192646.395 19   3   1       qScr  add   evCallState 2 GCEV_DISCONNECTED

192539.065  6340   2 ev    TDX_CALLP (Call Progress Completed)
192539.068  6340   3       TDX_CALLP CR_CNCT (called line was connected)
192539.068  6340   3       TDX_CALLP CR_CNCT CON_PAMD ( connection due to Positive Answering Machine Detection)
192539.068  6340   3 r     Dialogic  TDX_CALLP 133 (10 4 0 CR_CNCT CON_PAMD )
192539.081  4392   3 fn    SilenceDetectSet(3,20,10)
192539.094  4392   3 fn    RecordFileStart(iLineId=3, iActionID=628922, sFileName=C:\Program Files (x86)\VoiceGuide\temp\RecAm_3.wav, iPlayBeep=0, sXMLOptions=<CallerID>17772509325@callcentric.com</CallerID>)
192539.096  4392   3       RecStart(hLine=3, strSoundFile=C:\Program Files (x86)\VoiceGuide\temp\RecAm_3.wav, lRecId=628922 iPlayBeepBeforeRec=0, keys-notused sXMLOptions=<CallerID>17772509325@callcentric.com</CallerID>)
192539.100  4392   3       RecStart_Iott hli=0D349038, C:\Program Files (x86)\VoiceGuide\temp\RecAm_3.wav, lRecId=628922, usDataFormatRec=0x7(pref=0x7), iPlayBeepBeforeRec=0
192539.100  4392   3       RecStart_Iott mode - new recording
192539.134  4392   3       temp record file: C:\Program Files (x86)\VoiceGuide\temp\RecAm_3.wav.3
192539.135  4392   3       wav header not written. will write later
192539.135  4392   3       open save file (hli->strRecFnameToRecInto=C:\Program Files (x86)\VoiceGuide\temp\RecAm_3.wav.3) => 5 (ok)
192539.135  4392   3       rec silence detection enabled. len=20
192539.135  4392           rec max len limit on drv level disabled
192539.135  4392           rec stop on lcoff disabled (at dlgc driver level)
192539.135  4392   3       tpt entries used: 1
192539.135  4392           setchxfer not used
192539.135  4392           xpb xpb.wDataFormat=0x7 (1=adpcm, 3=alaw, 7=ulaw, 8=pcm) (usDataFormatRec=7), xpb.wFileFormat=2 (1=vox, 2=wav)
192539.135  4392           ipt rec with no tone chdev=2 iott=0x41fcec8, xpb=0xd34ccd0
192539.136  4392           record(4, ...) => 0, hli=221548600
192550.657  6340   1       CtEventProcess idx=18 : evttype=2152(2152), crn=0, data=0425B4D0(09B12270), len=8(8) q: 0/1
192550.657  6340   1 ev    GCEV_EXTENSION
192550.657  6340   1       GCEV_EXTENSION ext_id GCIS_EXEV_unknown_237783100 237783100 no handler
192646.395  6340   3       CtEventProcess idx=19 : evttype=2086(2086), crn=8000001, data=0425B500(09B12270), len=8(8) q: 0/1
192646.395  6340   3 ev    GCEV_DISCONNECTED crn=8000001

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I have attached the WAV file. The first Wav file was found in the location where I keep my VGS scripts c:\ivr\scripts.


The RecAM_3 zip file was found in the voiceguide directory \temp



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I tried another cell phone to see if that would change the answer detection. Attached, please find the recorded sound file found in Voiceguide /temp folder. It seems that the answering machine beep sound is not detected. A 2 second message is always left.

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Here is the sound file. I am sorry if you received this twice but I wasn't sure if I forgot to click the submit button earlier this morning.


It appears that VG is not detecting the End of Voice Message Beep. A 2 second voicemail message is left on the machine after 100 seconds and I tried this on multiple numbers.


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The recorded sound file shows that the voicemail system never stops speaking to the caller.


VoiceGuide is set by default to wait for 2 seconds of silence to indicate that the voicemail welcome message is finished and that the playing of the message to be left on the voicemail system can begin.


Note that in the short silences on this voicemail system there is loud hissing present on the line as well - noise of this hiss could be above the "10" level that is the default VoiceGuide setting.


You can decrease the silence length needed by VoiceGuide and increase the threshold level and see if this lets VG leave messages on this voicemail system.


These settings can be done in VG.INI file.



192539.080 6 3 1 dial awaiting end of answering machine message (lvl:10 for 20)

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Dear Support,


I have tried to adjust the settings you mentioned. Attached, please find my vg.ini file, log files, and recorded sound files on two different answering machines. These numbers work fine with dialog boards and end of AM message so VOIP sound level must be contributing to the problem; however, none of the settings seem to work to detect End of the AM message. Furthermore, since making these changes, the system will not call my first number but does call my second esclation outgoing dial entry. I am not sure why the first number is not calling now but the line picks up and hangs up right away. It's possible I changed something in the .ini file by accident but I don't think so.


Are there any dialog HMP settings that could be related? It seems to me that the dialogic drivers are detecting live person vs answering machine but the end of answering message is the key issue. The solution you prposed seemed very logical but no settings matter. I trid 100 for silence detection and as low as 1 for the silence interval.



Can you please help fix this situaton? Sales is waiting on me sending back the analog boards but I don't want to until this problem is resolved.







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vgEngine trace shows that on first call about 2 seconds after the number started ringing HMP reported that it could not progress with the call.

080725.015 6 3 1 state Dialing 15165269534@callcentric.com...
080725.018 19 3 1 ev CallState GCEV_DIALING, crn=8000001, iEvent=2 ,16,0,16,,,]. vgEngine v7.2.4050.41622 (2011-02-02 23:07:25.26)
080725.453 19 3 1 ev Dialogic 2081,GCEV_ALERTING, crn=8000001, 2081,0,0,,,
080725.453 19 3 1 state Dialing 15165269534@callcentric.com... Ringing...
080727.293 19 3 1 ev Dialogic 2049,GCEV_TASKFAIL, crn=8000001, 2049,0,0,,,

We would need to see the WireShark trace of this call to be able to comment why this could have happened,

On the second (escallation) call we can see that the call was answered and an answering machine was detected, but call was disconnected by remote end a minute and a half later, without any silence being detected. Not sure why the end of voicemail message was not detected though, based on the recorded answering machine message it should have been detected. In this case VG relies on HMP to advise when silence is detected, and HMP never indicated that there was silence on the line during recording. We would need to look further into this and run some tests ourselves, but one possibility is that there is a bug with the HMP version used. Looks like you are using SU299, can you try installing the older SU275 on your system?

080827.847 6 7 2 state Dialing 16315877321@callcentric.com...
080827.850 19 7 2 ev CallState GCEV_DIALING, crn=8000002, iEvent=2 ,16,0,16,,,]. vgEngine v7.2.4050.41622 (2011-02-02 23:07:25.26)
080829.565 19 7 2 state Dialing 16315877321@callcentric.com... Ringing...
080853.854 19 7 2 ev CallState GCEV_CONNECTED, crn=8000002, iEvent=2 ,256,2,4,,,]. vgEngine v7.2.4050.41622 (2011-02-02 23:07:25.26)
080853.859 6 7 2 state Dialing 16315877321@callcentric.com... Ringing..., doing answer detection... (DX_PAMDOPTEN)
080857.969 19 7 2 ev Dialogic 133,TDX_CALLP, crn=8000002, 10,4,0,CR_CNCT,CON_PAMD,
080857.980 6 7 2 state Machine Answer. Wait for end of welcome message...
080857.994 6 7 2 RecSoundStart [C:\Program Files (x86)\VoiceGuide\temp\RecAm_7.wav] ok
080857.994 6 7 2 t timer set 120 sec : EV_TIMEOUT_HANGUP
081026.707 19 7 2 ev CallState GCEV_DISCONNECTED, crn=8000002, iEvent=2 ,16384,0,64,,,]. vgEngine v7.2.4050.41622 (2011-02-02 23:07:25.26)

080542.859 3848 szDSSVersion: 3.0, szDSSRelease: Dialogic (R) Host Media Processing (HMP) Software Release 3.0 Service Update 299, szDSSBuild: 299 , szDSSSvcPack: Service Update

080857.966 5436 6 ev TDX_CALLP (Call Progress Completed)
080857.969 5436 7 TDX_CALLP CR_CNCT (called line was connected)
080857.969 5436 7 TDX_CALLP CR_CNCT CON_PAMD ( connection due to Positive Answering Machine Detection)
080857.969 5436 7 r Dialogic TDX_CALLP 133 (10 4 0 CR_CNCT CON_PAMD )
080857.981 3848 7 fn SilenceDetectSet(7,10,40)
080857.995 3848 7 fn RecordFileStart(iLineId=7, iActionID=846211, sFileName=C:\Program Files (x86)\VoiceGuide\temp\RecAm_7.wav, iPlayBeep=0, sXMLOptions=<CallerID>17772509325@callcentric.com</CallerID>)
080857.997 3848 7 RecStart(hLine=7, strSoundFile=C:\Program Files (x86)\VoiceGuide\temp\RecAm_7.wav, lRecId=846211 iPlayBeepBeforeRec=0, keys-notused sXMLOptions=<CallerID>17772509325@callcentric.com</CallerID>)
080858.001 3848 7 RecStart_Iott hli=0D4C8A50, C:\Program Files (x86)\VoiceGuide\temp\RecAm_7.wav, lRecId=846211, usDataFormatRec=0x7(pref=0x7), iPlayBeepBeforeRec=0
080858.001 3848 7 RecStart_Iott mode - new recording
080858.022 3848 7 temp record file: C:\Program Files (x86)\VoiceGuide\temp\RecAm_7.wav.7
080858.023 3848 7 wav header not written. will write later
080858.023 3848 7 open save file (hli->strRecFnameToRecInto=C:\Program Files (x86)\VoiceGuide\temp\RecAm_7.wav.7) => 5 (ok)
080858.023 3848 7 rec silence detection enabled. len=10
080858.023 3848 rec max len limit on drv level disabled
080858.023 3848 rec stop on lcoff disabled (at dlgc driver level)
080858.023 3848 7 tpt entries used: 1
080858.023 3848 setchxfer not used
080858.024 3848 xpb xpb.wDataFormat=0x7 (1=adpcm, 3=alaw, 7=ulaw, 8=pcm) (usDataFormatRec=7), xpb.wFileFormat=2 (1=vox, 2=wav)
080858.024 3848 ipt rec with no tone chdev=6 iott=0x426cec8, xpb=0xd4cc6e8
080858.025 3848 record(4, ...) => 0, hli=223119952
081026.707 5436 7 CtEventProcess idx=23 : evttype=2086(2086), crn=8000002, data=042CB5C0(09B22270), len=8(8) q: 0/1
081026.707 5436 7 ev GCEV_DISCONNECTED crn=8000002

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I download this new version of drivers. First, I unstalled my current dialogic system and then installed this new version (rebooting in between). Now, it's telling me that there are no devices to be started in teh configruation manager. Please advise.

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Essentially, there were no HMP devices installed after restarted. This is likely due to HMP license not existing for the dialogic release SU275.


I can send you a logmein session so you can take over my computer and help debug. Is that something you are willing to do?


I had to reinstall the release 299 because I am working with Dialogic as well to see if they can recommend some tuning on silence detection.


If you can do the LogmeIn session, let me know and I will send an invite that will active at the time you recommend. I am in the EST time zone so let me know what works for you.


If we can get the system to detect end of answering machine message, all will be good.

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This is likely due to HMP license not existing for the dialogic release SU275.

Please try removing (or just renaming) the license file and restarting the HMP service. The HMP will then function in evaluation mode, which is sufficient for testing the end of message detection,

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I uninstall relase 299. Restarted. Then, I ran dialogic cleanup to remove everything from computer.


I installed release 275. Restarted. After restarted, VG shows no ports, DCM shows no HMP devices, and the HMP Manager shows no licenses. I only have a 299 eval license which is tied to the release and ip address of my machine. The download you provided doesn't seem to have a valid license which is why there are no HMP devices installed.


See screen shots. Do you have a license? If so, we do I get it to activate it? What next?




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Can you please help me with next steps on this concern? I have not heard back on my last post which included screen shots of no ports being available on SU275 installation link sent to me.


I have tried to completely uinstalled, do cleanup, and reinstaall with rebooting in between each step. I also search the system and registry to make sure nothing could be causeing this...


When I reinstall SU299, the HMP reports return but then the same problem exists with no recognizing the end of Message when an answering machine is reported. It does properly detect human vs machine so that's good.



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Can you try a test where you dial into the system and start a recording but then don't say anything on the line.

See if this results in the recording being stopped due to silence.


Please post the VoiceGuide traces (ktTel will suffice).

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What SU Build should I use? The last recommedation was to install SU275 because support indicate SU299 wasn't tested.


SU275 installs but NO HMP drivers show up and I cannot active the eval license.


Also, please send the script you want me to run when dialing in and I will do so....but it would have to be on SU299 build since SU275 isn't working properly.


Can you please tell me? How does your system recognize silence after the answer detection stage is completed? Does it listen to a sound file or is the dialogic drivers responsble? If dialogic is responsible, then it seems to make sense that VG my version isn't detecting the event or that dialogic HMP drivers are not dectecting the event. Since dialogic is able to determine live vs answering machine, I am confused as to where the problem lies. It's quite possible that the SU275 suggestion was good.


Can you have someone test SU299 with Callcentric in the lab? That may be the best way to identify what is happening?

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Attached, please find a recording script, the KTEL log file, and the sound file that was record. I had the script time out after 60 seconds and hang up.


When I called, I didn't say anything.


Please advise if this we helpful to understanding anything. The script didn't detect silece in the Status Monitor Window and when it reach my 60 second time out, it hung up.




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Please update your system to VG v7.2.3 and see if this fixes the silence detection issue that you have encountered on the HMP system:


[old link removed]

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Yes! That fixed it. The installation still indicated version 7.2.2 when I installed the software but it worked perfectly. I notice that version 7.3 isn't shown on the download section of the site. Will this fix become part of general release?


Thanks again for always helping to resolve any problems. Cheers to your Support Team!

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Yes! That fixed it.

OK. Thanks for letting us know.


The installation still indicated version 7.2.2 when I installed

OK. Thanks for letting us know. We will get this fixed.


I notice that version 7.3 isn't shown on the download section of the site.

It should. Please try refreshing the page and you should see the new link.

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