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Own Data Into Cdr

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1. how to put own data (our "session_id") into CDR file?

2. can i insert CDR data direct to database?



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1. how to put own data (our "session_id") into CDR file?

From http://www.voiceguide.com/vghelp/source/html/log_cdrs.htm :


The Result Variables defined during the call can be optionally saved in the lastdata field. To enable this add this entry to the [Log] section of the VG.INI file:




Contents of $RV[CDR_amaflags] will be placed in the 16th CDR field.


Contents of $RV[CDR_user] will be placed in the 17th CDR field.


2. can i insert CDR data direct to database?

Yes. CDR tables are created by default in VoiceGuide's database (same that is used for the dialer tables). See the SQL in the \VoiceGuide\System\setup\ directory to see the table structure.

All CDRs are saved in the database as well as in text files.

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I don't understand.

I'm using postgres database, how will VG know that i created database with table for vg?

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I created postgres database "vg" on my server (different as VG server), how to connect VG to this database?

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Please see: http://www.voiceguide.com/vghelp/source/html/dial_vgdb_external_config.htm


You need to edit Config.xml to let VG connect to your database. Then either set up the tables yourself, or let VG create them for you.


For Postgres its best to create these yourself. See Db_Create.sql file in Voiceguide's \system\setup\ subdirectory to see what is the required table schema/structure, and create tables accordingly. VG will then use these tables.

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one more question:


I need timestamp of connection moment in Transfer Call module to calculate transfered call length.


Which variable include this value?


where can i found a list of $RV?

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You may need to create this RV yourself. Can you have a path that triggers on Connection event and point that path to an "Evaluate Expression" module which creates the $RV. You may need to then have the script sit in another module until transfer finishes.


If you can post your script and traces capturing call and transfer etc then we can comment better. Please start a new thread for this as this is unrelated to CDR questions.

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