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Hi Guys. I have a Dialogic card D/4PCI. I want to know what value I have to add in my script for not allowing a line to answer. Also If I can give priority(order) to dial-out(4 lines) calls and how to allow dial out or not in a line. Thanks












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If you do not want VoiceGuide to answer any calls arriving on a particular line then you need to create a script that consists of a single 'Hangup Call' type module, and set the script to 'Start without answering the Call'.

Then in Config.xml set this as the script to use on the line on which you do not want any calls to be answered.


Note that this will not stop calls from being presented on that line. To stop calls from 'ringing in' on a particular line you would need to speak with Telco or with the administrator of PBX that is providing these lines and get them to stop their systems from sending calls on those lines.


Not answering incoming calls would mean that you would have to wait till the incoming call stops ringing. Sometimes a better approach is to answer and then immediately hang up. This way the line is freed up sooner to make an outgoing call on. To do this use a script with just a single 'Hangup Call' type module, and let the script answer the call. Also set <RingsBeforeAnswer>1</RingsBeforeAnswer>



<AllowDialOut>1</AllowDialOut> will allow calls to be made on that line, and <AllowDialOut>0</AllowDialOut> will prevent outgoing calls from being made on the line.

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Thanks for your prompt answer. I will appreciate if you can write here how to do it, Because I have no the expertise to do it. At least to copy the script here that I can translate to mine. Thanks a lot. JAM

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Thanks a lot, but if I want one of the line to be a back-up for the dedicated fax, instead of hung-up. How the script will looks, in other words. a scripts as a dedicated fax. Thanks again

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Sounds like you would like one line to answer a call after a larger number of rings and then receive a fax, correct?


To receive a fax you can use a "Record" type module. Please see: http://www.voiceguide.com/vghelp/source/html/fax_intro.htm


Just use a script with a single "Record" type module and have it record to a .tif file. You should use Date/Time Result Variables in .tif filename to have each fax saved in a different file.


A sample script that shows this is at: C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Fax\Rx.vgs

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Thanks. Exactly, I want to use one line as a Back-up of the dedicated Fax.(My office has 4 lines) I will use the single fax example that you pointed out. Fax_Rx Now another thing I need your help. I need to create a Directory file. Can you give me an example how to name it or just any name. In the example come it C:\rx_$RV_HH$RV_NN.tif. Please explain it to me. It is my first time with scripts. thanks a lot

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I need to create a Directory file.

Are you saying that you would like to create a new directory and have all the new incoming faxes saved in that new directory?


To save all faxes in a specific directory then create a directory to use and and modify the file expression in the Record module to include the directory.


eg: change:







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Hi. 1-Now the system is in service, but I have some problems. How to stop the script(Announcement) once you pick-up the line.

2- How to deactivate one or two lines and keeping the others active without changing the config.xml

3- Is there anyway when a line ring, to Pop an alert with the CallId(#-Name)

4- A more elaborate GUI with the calls in each mailbox and no the actual that by mistake any mailbox can be deleted instead of the recorded calls

Thanks Again. Sorry some questions, but I am learning by trial and errors.

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Now the system is in service, but I have some problems. How to stop the script(Announcement) once you pick-up the line.

Sounds like you are picking up a handset that is attached in parallel to the analog telephone line being answered by VoiceGuide, yes?

You should be able to have the DTMF tones of the keys presses on your local telephone detected by VoiceGuide.

Then you can modify the script to hangup if a certain key press is detected.


2- How to deactivate one or two lines and keeping the others active without changing the config.xml

By "deactivate" do you mean how to stop them from answering calls?


Edit the script that the line is using, setting the start module of the script to be the 'Hangup' module and set the script to 'Start without answering the Call'.

As soon as you save the new version of the script will be loaded. You do not need to change the Config.xml or restart the VoiceGuide service.


3- Is there anyway when a line ring, to Pop an alert with the CallId(#-Name)

That is a bit more complicated in VG v7 - as VG v7 runs as a Windows Service.


It is possible to crate a small app that just listens to events published by VoiceGuide via WCF, and does a popup.


C# samples that you can use as starting point are installed with VoiceGuide in subdrectory: \Scripts\vgServices_WCF\


Please contact sales@voiceguid.com if you would like this app created for you.


4- A more elaborate GUI with the calls in each mailbox and no the actual that by mistake any mailbox can be deleted instead of the recorded calls

Are you referring to the Voicemail manager app? or something else?

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Hey Sir/Mad/ Incredible service. Thanks.

Yes I refer to the Voicemail manager app. Do you have any other interface that we can use and play the message in a more elaborate manner.



" Edit the script that the line is using, setting the start module of the script to be the 'Hangup' module and set the script to 'Start without answering the Call'.

As soon as you save the new version of the script will be loaded. You do not need to change the Config.xml or restart the VoiceGuide service."


Can you explain it to me or give me an example. Thanks

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There is no other Voicemail Manager app.


The recorded sound files are saved in VoiceGuide directory, so you can create your admin app if you'd like.


For changing the starting module etc. please open the script in the VoiceGuide Script Editor and then go to the "Edit"->"Script Properties" menu.

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Thanks. Do you have any preference using a software to manage the sound file to the specific directory.


In reference to Edit Script property "start the script......" How to add a command or decision. Sorry for my beginning Knowledge. Thanks Sir

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In reference to Edit Script property "start the script......" How to add a command or decision.

You need to click on that option. Have you looked at the window that appears when you select the "Edit"->"Script Properties" menu?


We do not have any recommendations on what software should be used to manage the sound files. Windows own File Explorer is often sufficient.

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Hi, again VG. You has been very helpful with my questions and I have inquired to support dpt for an app to pop an alert with Caller ID.

Today question. Voicemail manager can save calls in its specific subdirectory within VmSave. Ej: VmSave\0001; VmSave\0002 etc. Thanks JAM

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Location where the voicemail scripts save the recorded sound files is set in the voice mail script.


The voicemail scripts are in VoiceGuide's \System\vm\ subdirectory.

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