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Wrong Script Location

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I am trying to set up Voiceguide (version 6) to collect over-the-phone data and according to the instructions I should be working fine, but when I call the number the program answers but directs the call to the wrong location. All indicators say the call should start a script in folder 'A' but the lines in the Voiceguide program when the call comes in sais playing a .wav file in folder 'B', which also causes nothing to be heard anyway.

I have the C:/Program Files/Voice Guide, as well there is another seperate folder on the same drive that Voice Guide is contained in as well, is that part of the problem? I have done everything I can think of to put the same files in both folders, and have manually changed the config.xml file to pick the script I need from one or the other folder, but the same problem with the random third folder still exists. How would I get around this problem, and how would I know when everything is in proper order before we need to test it?


Thank you


- RySADLab

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Could you please post a copy of VoiceGuide's Debug Printout which captures the system startup and an incoming call, this will allow us to see what is happening on the system.


Enable logging by setting the log levels to 10 in VG.INI as per below:










Then restart VoiceGuide and make a test call.


Debug Trace files will be created in VG's \log\ subdirectory.


Please post the traces.


When posting traces/scripts please .ZIP them up and post them as attachments.

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Trace shows that the system is configured to use the script located at: C:\Users\olya\CBT-I Clinical Trial\Voice Guide\Scripts\SAD.vgs


172823.48 0 dxxxB1C1 dxxxB1C1 C:\Users\olya\CBT-I Clinical Trial\Voice Guide\Scripts\SAD.vgs RV= allowDialout=1

172823.48 0 dxxxB1C2 dxxxB1C2 C:\Users\olya\CBT-I Clinical Trial\Voice Guide\Scripts\SAD.vgs RV= allowDialout=1

172823.48 0 dxxxB1C3 dxxxB1C3 C:\Users\olya\CBT-I Clinical Trial\Voice Guide\Scripts\SAD.vgs RV= allowDialout=1

172823.49 0 dxxxB1C4 dxxxB1C4 C:\Users\olya\CBT-I Clinical Trial\Voice Guide\Scripts\SAD.vgs RV= allowDialout=1


and when the incoming call arrives trace shows that script is started and the first module in the script is a Get Numbers module [lightsout], which plays the sound file: C:\Users\olya\CBT-I Clinical Trial\Voice Guide\Temp IVR 4 14 2008\2asleeptime.wav


172842.27 1 tw ring 1


172842.97 1 rvns add [scriptPath]{C:\Users\olya\CBT-I Clinical Trial\Voice Guide\Scripts\}


172842.99 1 state [lightsout] Number Input

172842.99 1 state [lightsout] Playing (C:\Users\olya\CBT-I Clinical Trial\Voice Guide\Temp IVR 4 14 2008\2asleeptime.wav)


All looks OK here.


Why do you say it's not running as you'd expect?

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we need it to not start with the file its starting with, it was my understanding that it would take the caller through the script and the paths and associated sound files that are in that script, not a .wav file in a separate folder; how do we get it to go through the script from start to finish as it was planned out, when a person calls? the first module in the script is supposed to be an "enter your ID" module, so it looks like VoiceGuide is automatically skipping that one and going to the second one which is 'lightsout' module. In either case, the next problem is that when we make a call, there is just silence on the line.


Where in the VoiceGuide folders do I need to go to make sure that the sound files are going to be played in the order that they are placed in the script? So far, all of the modules I have used are 'get-number' modules, my understanding of the program is that it would play a sound file, wait for a response dialed in by the caller, and when the right key or number of keys is hit, will transfer to the next 'get-number' module for the same kind of thing, is that correct? or is there an intermediate step i'm missing?


thank you

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So the script properties are selected as the proper one, and all the sound files are .WAV files, there is still no noise on the other end of the phone when we call it. When I set up the script initially, in the module properties, the first tab gives a space for the module title, and underneath that it says "ask caller to enter number:" and theres a space to select a file and buttons to sample the sound chosen....is that the correct spot to select what should be playing? why else wouldnt there be any sound playing on the line when we call our system?


thank you

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Are the WAV files recorded in the right format?

In what format are your current WAV files recorded?

You can see the Wav file format by right clicking on the file and selecting Properties menu option and then clicking on the Summary tab.


This help file page lists what formats are allowed in the various versions of VoiceGuide: http://www.voiceguide.com/vghelp/source/html/soundfiles.htm


When you fist installed the software did the default script (the credit card payments script) play the sound files ok?

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All the files used are .WAV files. I am on Vista, so the pathway you gave me to check the .WAV properties is different, but there was nothing that immediately showed a contradiction to what the website said my version is capable of. Yes, the default file did work.

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So the most progress I have made so far was using a "Play Sound File" module at the beginning, where the correct sound file was played, but it was slowed down to an almost creepy-sounding speed. How would something like that be corrected?

Also, I would like to varify that I am using the correct modules. What we need is for someone to call in, listen to recorded instructions, enter in some numbers and get transfered to the next module where they do the same thing. is the "Get Numbers" module the correct one to use throughout the script for this purpose? If not, which one should I have used? If so, what am I missing that prevents the sound files from being played?


Thank you

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According to the soundfiles themselves and the Voiceguide soundfiles page that you provided, the .WAV files should be acceptable (also, these same files were used successfully with a previous script several months ago). The script is now starting to play the correct file but it is playing at a VERY slow speed, how can we speed it up? If perhaps the WAV files are improper, is there a recommended program that could convert it to the proper file?


Could you please also let me know if the "Get Numbers" module the correct one for my purpose? (What we need is for someone to call in, listen to recorded instructions, enter in some numbers and get transfered to the next module where they do the same thing.)


It says that I have to alter the 'config.xml' and 'configline.xml' directly, I'm not exactly sure how to do that (properly). I believe I got the config.xml file filled out but im not sure about the configline.xml, would that be a major factor here? is there any other help file (other than what the program provides) that could walk me through how to set that up properly?


thank you for all your help

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According to the soundfiles themselves and the Voiceguide soundfiles page that you provided, the .WAV files should be acceptable

Really? Why do you say that?


(also, these same files were used successfully with a previous script several months ago).

Not possible.


it is playing at a VERY slow speed, how can we speed it up?

Change the WAV file to the right format.


If perhaps the WAV files are improper, is there a recommended program that could convert it to the proper file?

Windows Sound File Recorder (sndrec32.exe). Open the file and then select "Save As..." and select the format when saving the file.


Could you please also let me know if the "Get Numbers" module the correct one for my purpose? (What we need is for someone to call in, listen to recorded instructions, enter in some numbers and get transfered to the next module where they do the same thing.)

Yes. The "Get Numbers" module would be used to let user enter a number.

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So I got the right sound files, and that is working as it should (thanks again for the help).


The next issue that I cant seem to find the answer to is that in all of our recordings, the instructions say to press # when the caller is finished with their entry. How I set it up originally was that if they were to need to enter, for example, a 3 digit code then the # key, I put the minimum and maximum number of digits to 4 (3 + #) and in the paths section i put: on (#) goto {the next module}. When testing the script, by pressing #, the caller is directed back to the module they just heard and not onto the next one. When I put the min. and max. number of digits to 3, everything works fine when the caller enters the 3 digits, they get transfered, but if we stuck with that, the last few seconds of each message would be useless.


Is there a way to correct this? As in, how would I be able to get the program to transfer the caller to the next module after a caller has entered what they need to enter and then press the # key to confirm their completion of the module they are in?


Thank you

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So I got the right sound files, and that is working as it should (thanks again for the help).

OK, thanks for letting us know that this issue is now resolved.


The next issue...

Please start new threads for new issues. We have created the new thread here for you this time and it has your question there and an answer:


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